" Chapter 27 ~ "

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I tell you to sam those guys did a real good job on that fence I really do like it. me to Carla I now kinda feel a little safer, I know what you mean me to. well let us get them gates locked up and head inside can't wait to see what you got for us to eat. oh, you gone to like it.

oh yeah, it is your favorite cool I'm ready. I kinda pigged out at ma'ma and them but still broth more for me to I laughed you little pig we giggle. oh boy, peach cobbler yummy and fried chicken and coleslaw man this it off the hook and looks and smell great.

remind me to give aunt a big hug and kiss when I see her. I really need to go visit sometimes over there yeah you should its been a long time since you have I know too long. I miss her and all her good cooking and laughed I know right I know she will be happy to see you.

yeah, I can't wait to see her to maybe tomorrow if the weather is good and stuff sounds good to me hey who said you were coming while I was laughing you done went without me hey now not fair you was sleeping not my fault girl I'm just playing I know you are silly.

ok well, I'm gone get a shower and change and come and pig out I hear that shit me too. ok, be out in a few sam ok Carla I'm gone to feed these little fellers real fast to ok. come on y'all little shits come and eat boys Y'all look like y'all getting bigger and bigger every day slow down some whats the rush and I giggle like Y'all understand me.

hey Carla don't they look like they are getting bigger every day yeah it sure does looks like it huh yup they sure do well sam go hit the shower and I will wait for you maybe and giggled. haha, Carla you are so funny aww sam you know you love me anyway yes that I do.

while I was sitting on the couch waiting for sam get back from her shower I notice the pups getting a little rowdy than they started to growl again and walking around the house by the windows. and I was thinking I know me and sam have locked those gates so what the hell it is now shit.

I stopped and try to listen real good if I can hear anything outside at first nothing then I heard a big slam something really big and it hit the house what the hell sam came running out what was that I don't know whatever it is it sounds pissed off shit do you think it was the fence I don't know sam.

what it was we have to wait till tomorrow and find out." well this shit is just great the fence doesn't even help we don't know that yet sam calm down ok how can I well there is nothing we can do tonight about it. I'm sorry we just have to wait and look the pups are settling down again. and sam yes get your ass in the room and get dress, please.

oh shit, I forgot to get dress I was so damn scared shit I laughed it is not funny Carla I know but really look at you aww shut up I'm gone shit and I giggle and she looked at me in a mean way I just put my head down so she could not see my face. did you hear anything else nope and I hope it stays that way me to?

come on let us try to eat and then get us some sleep and we will check it out tomorrow ok Carla sounds good I guess. well, we don't have any other choices, do we? no, we don't Carla ok so let us just try and think nothing has happened ok I know it hard not to but if we dwell on it we will go crazy ok

Carla hey I'm ready for some of that peach cobbler yum yeah me to let's hit it sounds good to me. yup, me too and when we get done I will take first watch ok no you always do let me know I'm good I had a big nap today remember and believe me when I'm ready for you too I will let you know ok Carla ok sam.

now try to get you some sleep ok I will thanks you don't have to thank me sam I know but I just am ok good. ok, shit good night sam good night Carla. as I sit here again with my backup against the wall again. think what have happened outside again. and will this ever stop are not I was so lost and can't help it.

but think what my papa didn't tell me about and why. and I was very upset about all of it and uncle was not any help to me at all and he has to talk about this because I know in my heart he know something about this and I will not leave him alone till he tells me.

and he needs to talk to sam real soon because if he doesn't I will tell her myself so he needs to get off his ass and tell her. because I don't want her to go through what I have well hell she is already is with me and it not fair because I can't tell her.

he has to. and I hate keeping it from her but tomorrow I will tell him straight up know more pushing it to the side she has the right to know and that's it. and if he wants to get mad at me well let it be but I will not stop bugging him because there are also a lot he is not telling me and I want to know. and I should know.

and that's it. tell me what I should know and what I can do about it even if I can that is shit. what is up with these old people with their secrets and shit the only people they are hurting are their kids come on grow up people we have the right to know why let us suffer for what in this world y'all did.

that us kids now will have to pay for it by gosh it is not fair I want to know and I will not take no for an answer that's it.

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