" Chapter 4 ~ "

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I know cousin you are nothing like them thank you hey cousin do you think now that I'm back home someone is messing with me and trying to scare me. girl, we do a lot of crazy things but you should know by now that is not one of them. true-true I just don't know what's going on and who are what is hanging out around here at night it driving me crazy

I don't see how that can happen cuz because you can't drive someone crazy if they already are haha you are full of it this morning are you as we laugh. what's on the list for the day cuz well I would like to head into town and get a tv and DVD player and some movies and a generator and some outside lights. you must be really scared yes I am cuz it bad over here at night.

haven't  got know sleep since I got here I'm so tired don't know if coming are going lately. ok, let's go let get into town you know how our stores are around here they close so damn early these days. and they know it takes us a while to get into town with the boats and shit. and we are their best customers, yeah I know and that's crazy well who get the joy of driving the boat in town today. 

I am you been gone too long and don't want to end up on a dried bank somewheres. oh, you are just so funny today as I giggle.well shit lets go we wasting daylight sitting here making fun of each other. ok-ok and off we go well we got into town to get my stuff that's on the list got the tv check got the DVD player check and got some funny movies check because I'm not gone to get know damn scary ones and we laugh.

now we need to get some gas tanks check generator check really cuz what check - check -check well making sure we got everything before we leave are we will have to come back over here again true there ok what else oh we need some kerosene for the lamps too. and need to pick up some gas to last for a week are so.

don't forget food cuz we got to eat I laugh look on the list silly it was the first thing on it.  my bad didn't see it I started to laugh well you got the list with you're checking off and shit, as we go I giggle. yeah - yeah how much gas we have on the  boat did you check because I don't want to run out gas on the way home." why buy more gas for the boat you got a lot, yeah but it is for the generator that's why,

ok - ok well we will get some for the boat to ok check the list one more time do we have everything we need oh wait ' what I need to get the outside lights can't forget that. we need some lights outside tonight because it's so damn dark out there at night. I guess so your papa build his house way back up in those woods"

yeah he was not much on nosey people looking at our house when they would pass I giggle  I know right yup that was him always to himself well look at my papa he is just the same yeah you would know it because well they are brothers  we laugh that's for sure they are alike yes indeed well do we have everything on the list check so I guess we are ready to head on off to the house we still have a lot to do what you mean we she laugh.

aww, come on cuz you know you gone to help me please yeah yeah you know I will. we laugh the fun part is carrying it up that damn dock shit glad I got a generator with wheels. yeah, I know right. hey, maybe I should get a wagon for the other stuff too. now that sounds like a plan. I know right. yes, it does so we can only have to make one trip up the dock with all that stuff.

yup - yup ok we ready let's go home I'm tired already and we didn't even begin yet. shit, I sure hope I can get some sleep tonight and I want to thank you for coming to stay with me for a few days. girl that is what family is for, well thank you any way I will stay as long as you want me to because I had to get away from the old grouch to we laugh yeah he is getting cranky ain't he yes indeed girl. we laugh if he was here he be kicking our butt for talking about him, shit we not that crazy yet.

you know it well we are here lets tie the boat up real tight I heard at the store that some bad weather is coming tonight well that's just great, all we need girl it all gone to be ok we will get this stuff up and out in no time yeah I know I'm sorry guess I'm just really tired I know girl but it will be ok when we are done then we can  hit the hot shower and sit and eat and you will feel better"

I sure hope so. because I'm so ready for a good night sleep me to girl and I don't have to listen to my grouchy old pop. yell women is supper ready are what we laugh he is still the same is he, yes he is and I  think he is getting worse girl it's like every day, he has something new to bitch about excuse my french. that's ok it slips every now and then with me too.

yay, we made up the dock with everything in one load we laugh. now to set up everything for the night, I guess you can bring the food inside and I will start on these outside lights if that's ok. sound good to me ok then let us get this shit started hey you want me to bring the other stuff inside too because I know you will be a while setting the lights and generator and stuff yes, please

and thank you. you got it and inside they will go I will help you when I'm done in here ok, are do you want me to cook that's up to you if you want to that is, yeah that sound better because after we are done with everything the food would be cooked. yup sounds like a plan to me. yes it does 

" Lurking In The Shadows"जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें