" Chapter 13 ~ "

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so sit there and think about what I said  and I did he was right because I knew you would be coming back home one day. so I went out that day and shot a nice buck took it home and tied it up way in the back of the house like I have always had before and,

I yell here is your offering y'all killers, and I won't forget anymore but leave me and my family alone. and let us live in peace, you have done took one person away from me, not anymore, you hear me.

I and your uncle's and cousin went out into the woods after your maw passed. to go find this thing are whatever it was and try to end this once and for all. we went way back deep, into the woods and not a sign of anything at all. so we decided to turn back. and headed back to the house and then we heard something behind us with our lights on our head.

we turn around with our guns up high looking to see what it was but to our shock those eyes. never in our life have ever seen anything like it. and it stood tall in the back of the tree's, I would say about 9 to 10 feet up in the air, we looked at each other with the shock of unbelief what it is. as we started to get ready to shoot we stopped right there in our tracks.

the feeling that came over us with fear knowing we were being watched.as we looked around some more we could not believe our eye, there are more than one. they were too many we would of all died that night if we pulled that trigger. I said come on lets back out real slowly .we have not done them anything so hopefully we get out alive.

and thank the lord we did and then we made and oath not to go back in those woods again.and it was agreed. till this day. and I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner but I thought you were still too young to understand. now here I am piss because my uncle knew this and he had not told me knowing I was out here fighting this thing that I have not known about.

and honey one more thing? whats that now more bad news for me please never go behind the house into those woods, please and I need to ask you a favor please take care of sam what-what do he means to take care of sam. she is your sister,  Ohh what the hell my sister what. I can explain, oh please do what is going on here is this a dream shit.

your uncle and aunt were trying for a girl for a long time, but only boys then finally it happens. a girl they were gone to have but one cold morning she went out and slipped and fallen and she lost the baby it was a sad thing and your maw was having a baby at the same time as your aunt was, but we were having it really hard to take care of us.

and did not know if we can rise another baby it was a very hard choice for us to do, but I invited your uncle bow over one night and I told him that your maw was also carrying a girl. but we would not be able to take care of her like we should. he asks me what I was talking about we told him that we will give him our baby if he wanted her and it will be only between them.

he put his head down and started to cry and just lost for words but can we do this without anyone asking about it. it was really sad to talk about but we had to. I said the baby y'all have lost we will say she was ours and y'all will take our baby but can I please ask for one thing, and he ask what would that be I said can we name her, and that's it.

he said before he can do anything he had to talk to his wife all about this and I said yes - yes we understand all this is hard to swallow right now. for all of us so just let us know soon ok I will talk to you tomorrow, I said ok till then brother, and try to have a good night well that night your mama had the baby she came fast.

a few weeks early by surprise, all this was happening now. well, your uncle came the next morning. and said well we have talked about it most of the night with tears in his eyes still for the loss of his baby and said she said yes and I have said that your mama had the baby last night he was in shock as much as we were. he said well what did you name her Samantha sam for short.

hope y'all like the name run it pass to your wife with the name and let me know because I know we won't have time to do this if it is gone to be done. and bring your wife back and the baby and let us get this done so sorry brother I know it hurts but it hurts us to and right now is the timing for it with a heavy heart, what is wrong with these people are they all crazy and has just gone insane.

I can't believe I'm reading this it is really hard to swallow. we have legends deep in the woods, and now I have a sister what's next I'm too scared to read. and why it took him all this time to tell me I think I'm gone to be sick. and uncle bow knew everything and kept me in the dark. no wonder he said read the letter it was not his place, boy I have a place for him with my foot up his butt.

and honey please please don't forget to put out the offering ok, it is about that time. about right thanks uncle for letting me know this, I pray whatever it is they are not mad at me but how was I to know till now shit. and honey please forgive me and your maw we were young, and having a hard time and please forgive your uncle bow.

it was us and our choices that we had to make, but we knew we would see her every day. y'all are so much alike, but now child it is all on you and decide what you have to do. because you are very smart and you make the right choices all the time love you baby girl and always will be safe and don't forget the legend way.

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