" Chapter 15 ~ "

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so what we are having good tonight for supper, any ideas well that deer roast sound really good I know but I will get us one tomorrow ok first thing in the morning, because it will take a while to clean well with both of us cleaning it - it should not take us too long  for sure  yup hey Carla do you know what my papa got for me?

I was quite for a minute because I was still mad at him but it was not her fault what they did hell she don't even know, well sam if I tell you it won't be a surprise will it" I guess not I hope its a puppy aww a puppy and if it was what will you name it.

well if it a boy I think I will name it dozer" wow cool name and if it a girl I will call her Carla WHAT she laughed know silly just playing with you and giggle I'm not sure what I would call it do you have any ideas

know sorry I don't well help me on some, ok I can do that. let's see how about  sassy I laughed oh know I'm sick of that name my papa done ruin that name I know right we laughed hey let start cooking and while it cooks we can think of names ok sounds good but like you said what to eat

I know maybe some home made soup nope we don't have the stuff for it well put it on the list, ok will do how about gulosh, now that sounds good yup it sure doses. well gulosh it is, yup you want to flip a coin on who is cooking it how about we do it together I'm joking and was hoping you say that. we giggled

Carla can I ask you something what's that sam you and Papa what was y'all talking about. because you looked really mad at him. oh you saw that huh yes I did and I don't like seeing you upset are papa, I know and I'm sorry" was it about the letter yes sam it was all about that letter,

I'm sorry why you are sorry because it was so bad for you, to read it. it's not your fault, so don't be sorry are sad I'm very upset with your papa and also upset with mines, it's that bad huh yes it was sam well let's forget about that right now ok sorry to bring it up. its ok you just asked that's all. ok now a girls name for a puppy oh yeah that's right a good name

hey, sam how about killer and laughed that's a boys name as she giggled. well, your turn hmmm, let's see how about cha well that has a good ring to it I like it, how about you. yeah me to so cha its is that's if I get a puppy, well you never know guess you have to wait till tomorrow."I know and that sucks I laughed are come on tomorrow will be here in know time.

yeah I know but the waiting part sucks we laughed yeah I know how you feel, well I don't know about you but I'm gone put on my pj's and get comfy yeah that sounds good sam I hope what we did will work for us so maybe we can get some sleep in a soft bed tonight for a change I was thinking the same thing I hope it does work

me to but soon I'm sure we will see and if it does it will suck that we have to do it every night to get peace. yes, I know but we have to wait and see yeah I know. yup ok let's eat I'm hungry me too aww man what - what is it now. no garlic toast shit we laughed well put it on the list sure thing.

ok before we get comfy what movie do we want to watch. I don't know we need some new ones yeah- yeah I know put it on the list. you so smart aw shut up smart ass as we giggled. we started to eat and then there was a noise outside aww man please not again we gave it food shit.

sam go get the guns please for me ok hurry please ok - ok fast enough yes thank you your welcome sam I can't take this anymore we are locked up in the house like prisoners and we have a beast outside scaring us to death and we don't know what it is.

 I can't take it I got to see know Carla please don't open the door I'm not silly girl I'm not that damn crazy yet. I'm gone to peak out the window. oh, thank god I thought you have done lost it and we were gone to die. know sam, not tonight were not but I have to see I just can't take this anymore.

I understand this is crazy but I'm not looking I'm too scared to. its ok you don't have to but I do. your so brave Carla I'm not brave at all sam I'm scared to death but I have to do this. ok if you have to I will be right over there because I don't want to see it .ok I slowly walked to the window and try to take a peek the noise got loud I jumped,

backward and shaking and almost out of my skin don't do it, Carla, please I have to it will be ok. ok, I walk back to the window for another try to get a peek at what was outside. I pushed the curtain a little to the side and looked with fear going through my body not knowing what was on the other side.

so I peeked to see and at first nothing then I saw something moving in the grass telling myself I can do this, I know I can so I looked harder and then all in the sudden something jump at the window at my face I flew back with my heart up in my ass and sam is screaming like crazy and I looked at her and laughed and said stop -stop

its gone to get us now you should have never looked at it as I laughed again what is wrong with you Carla? you done lost it are what. know sam I have not lost it trying to get the words out my mouth it was a damn raccoon shit man it scared the shit out of me out of you shit now I got to go and change my pants.

we laughed well let's pray that it doesn't come tonight  I hear that shit let me go change my damn pants damn girl I thought you were joking know Carla I was not and don't tell anyone you hear I'm not. gee wiz you know I'm not like that I know and I'm sorry don't be sorry it will be ok.

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