" Chapter 44 ~ "

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bow she said I thought me and him were getting along fine after I was attacked he came out there and shot it and as he was dragging me inside. what he dragged you in you don't even weight that much then I was pissed bow stop please let

me finish before he comes back he said he didn't feed it for a few days and was wondering when it was gone to attack and about time to he said. that's it I'm gone to hurt him for what he has done to you know bow don't I have to ask you something, please

what is it anything please watch over my girls because you know I will not last long with this please don't say that you will be ok I will stay and help take care of you and watch he don't do anything else to you but promise me you will

take care of my girls I will I promise you I will and bow this is up to you but I hope one day you will tell sam that I was her ma'ma and tell Carla it was not me that wanted to give her up. I will  I will tell them both I promise.

well bow I'm sure I will only have a few days but I will like to see my girls first and hug and kiss them before I go I will radio the boys tonight and tell them to bring the girls in the morning thank you bow that will mean a lot to me

anything for you lee you know that and bow don't hurt him yet because Carla will need him after I'm gone ok I will leave him alone for now as you wish but now you try and get some rest and let me go help that dumb ass I would like to throw him out there to them.

I watch as she fell asleep I was so mad at your papa for what he has done to her but I promise her I won't hurt him but he will get his day and that I promise to myself so I went outside to help he said did she say anything I said know

after I gave her that pain meds she went fast to sleep damn brother I wonder why they attacked for they get there offering every month I don't no brother what happen as I thought to myself yeah right you don't know. 

well, I'm gone call the boys to bring out the girls in the morning to see her. what you mean girls yes girls even know you didn't want sam but it was still lee's child and she should have the right to give her kids a hug and kiss before she goes.

I guess your right, oh I know I am right just bring them in let her say her goodbyes and send them back to my house. because we don't know how long Lee will have that is some real deep marks on her back and we need to keep them

clean as much as we can and I will be staying here with you to help with her what you don't think I can. oh, know brother I know you can but I want to help. whatever I'm gone to bed I'm tired I will check on her when I get inside

ok brother I will take first watch. what watch you think they will come back again well I don't know and we don't want to take that chance again do we. know I guess not well night brother see in the morning I will sleep in Carla's room if you need me so 

lee can get rest and I won't be moving around much in the bed ok I will wake you if anything will change ok and he went to bed so I stood up watching over your ma'ma and keeping her cuts clean as best as I can and I radio the boys to bring

Y'all the next day because not knowing when it will happen. uncle my papa didn't help you any with my ma'ma he was that cold-hearted to her that makes me hate him. don't he is still your papa and he just did some stupid moves. some sound like a lot to me.

well anyway, the boys got Y'all here she gave y'all hugs and kisses as much as she can. uncle, I remember that day I didn't see papa tho. well because he was still in bed. and you don't want me to hate him. that's right child 

well anyway, the boys took Y'all back to my house and we all were crying because Y'all didn't want to leave but Y'all had to. because it was nothing you would have wanted to see so went into the room and gave your ma'ma some more meds

because I couldn't give it to her before Y'all came are she would have been too tired and very sleepy and she said she didn't want to feel that way so I waited till Y'all left and then I gave it to her and I went to your room and ask my brother

why in the hell that you did not come out the room to see your child. I was tired I had a long night. what a long night what did you do that you are so tired well I didn't sleep well in this bed. you should be

ashamed of yourself and hell you didn't even come out last night are today to even see your own wife. that's in the next room dying and in pain and you are crying over a little loss of sleep really brother." well you are in there watching

over her, yeah but she is not my wife. well, it didn't seem to bother y'all before. then I was pissed but I promise your mother I won't hurt him and just keep telling myself that he will have his day I walked out the door with a slam and went check on your ma'ma

and clean her cuts she was up I said how are you feeling lee. I'm not feeling too well I think I'm gone to be sick. well let me go get you a bucket and a rag ok and she stopped me before I got out the door. bow remember what we had talked about

with the girls and I said yes and I promise you I will take care of them. she said bow I know you will and will you give them a hug and a kiss from me every day, please if it won't be too much for you and I said yes I will lee and she said. thank you so much bow for everything you have done

for us and I will never forget it." lee you know I will do anything for you and always will now let me go get that bucket and cool rag for you ok and she shook her head yes. so I went got the bucket and cool rag for her and when I got

back she was gone she has passed away as I went to her bedside and wipe her face with the cool rag I had for her as I cried and then I cover her so gently with the sheet.

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