" chapter 14 ~ "

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well that's just so great, just freaking great now it all on me yeah papa leave me hanging, but yeah you are right I do have this and I will deal with it real soon. as I walked out the door uncle looked at me and he knew right then and there that I was so pissed beyond anything. and he said was everything ok I laughed out real loud like really uncle you ask me this,

I looked around and did not see sam, I said where is sam  he said she went down to the boats with her brothers to take care of some stuff, and I said oh really boy Y'all really had this shit down path didn't Y'all, was Y'all ever really gone to tell us, I'm sure you were not, gone to but oh you and papa Y'all had all y'all shit together huh.

child, please understand. what uncle understand what? you left me here gone crazy thinking, something was wrong with me. but I'm not crazy at all but you made me feel that way like I was gone out of my mind till sam came here to stay with me thank god, and she was so afraid to but still, you never said anything, why? it could have got in here and killed us.

but then it would have been too late, wouldn't it and it would have been all on your shoulders and all your fault, for not tell us at all because it's the swamp oath right. didn't matter if it takes your family are not. you should be a shame of yourself, and my papa to may god rest his soul but you the big proud, man that you are. keeping the oath of the land.

I got to go and get changed so I can go make a hunt, child listen. know uncle it is too late I got nothing to hear from you right now I got stuff to do and stop calling me child I'm not one anymore, my name is Carla , well I hope so anyway because I don't know what to believe. anymore.

Carla do you want me to go and hunt and get you a buck I laughed so loud really uncle really, now you want to help no thank you I got this and you can leave for all as I care. and oh uncle don't worry about me and sam, I won't say anything about y'all dirty little secret is good with me. I got to go and uncle you know your way out"Carla please bye uncle,

I just hope you tell sam before its too late tell me what Carla oh sam I can't tell you it's a surprise, oh boy really when do I get it oh your papa was just saying he was gone to bring it to you tomorrow, oh boy I can't wait, hey sam my camo what have you done with them? they are on your dresser. I'm gone for a hunt soon and thank you cuz" your welcome"

uncle looks like you got to get her a puppy don't you, well I guess so she been talking about one for years now hmm image that years and never got her one sad don't you think. alright now that's enough Carla with your smart mouth, know uncle, I will not I'm not a child and I'm not yours and this is my land can you please leave I have nothing more to say.

sam your papa is leaving do you want to see him before he goes I got to get dress. Carla do you want me to go with you know sam I will go because we can't make much noise but I won't be long ok. and sam if you get afraid just lock the door and stay inside ok I won't long see you in a little. ok, hope you get a big one me to hey Carla which way you are you gone.

on the other side of the house why? In case I need to yell at you that's all oh ok and sam yeah, don't go to the back of the house why because it's very dangerous out there and we don't know where that thing is ok I won't go back there at all, ok I got to go before it gets too late and I won't be able to, I was walking into the woods real slow hope to see something soon,

before it got dark, and I was thinking to myself about the letter and all the stuff they did, just was not right and I was hoping uncle will tell sam, before it is too late and have to learn the hard way, know I will not let that happen to her no way, not at all, then back to reality I looked up, there was standing a big buck.

oh boy that's a nice one so I took the shot, got him yay now to drag him home on the wagon I took with me, so I got home and try not to make noise so I can drag him behind the house because I can't hang it and watch out for sam at the same time. so I got it to the back of the house.

Carla what you doing back here behind the house I thought I told you not to come back here didn't I well I saw you through the window and stop talking to me like I'm a child I'm not one, yes you are right I'm sorry  forgive me please and anyway I can help you with whatever you are doing and I am tuff some.

I know you are come on grab this rope and help me pull up this buck in this tree, what on earth for Carla? well I was thinking maybe if I put this way back here and hang it on this tree and feed it and it might leave us alone, oh wow that was smart thinking I like it, but thought we were gone to have some good deep roast tonight.

well I will get us one tomorrow ok because I was gone to get us one tonight too but it was getting late and I didn't bring a light with me and didn't know where that thing could be but come on let us get inside ok sound good to me"

let go flip the switch so we can have light we might have to go into town tomorrow for more gas and yeah we need more food stuff ok then tomorrow town we go. I'm gone to let you take a shower tonight first Carla why you say that because you stink and laughed, oh you are funny but I must say your right and laughed.

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