I glanced at the necktie she wore on her uniform, and sure enough, it was red and gold. The Gryffindor colours. My colours. "Why thank you, Miss..."

A voice behind me startled the pair before me. I would have been frightened too, but I'd grown accustomed to him jumping into a conversation whenever it tickled his fancy. "Mr Canary, I insist you quit spreading rumours about the new addition to Hogwarts' staff. As for you sister,"

I cut him off before he scared the small girl. "You ought to head to the Gryffindor Common Room, before someone gets angry." I leaned in to whisper. "More specifically, before Professor Snape gets mad. He can get rather grouchy."

The first year giggled and grabbed her brother's hand, taking off down the corridor. The man in question stepped toward me, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Now, Miss Granger. You know I don't appreciate being interrupted."

I looked down at the floor, my shoes had suddenly become rather interesting. "I'm sorry, Professor Snape. I was afraid you'd frighten the poor girl. She was merely curious as to who I was."

He raised an eyebrow, his lips became a tight line. "That is none of her concern. Not yet, anyway. You are to be introduced in class. As for Mr Canary, he was a slightly bigger problem."

I looked up at him curiously. "Problem, sir?"

He offered me his arm again and continued walking toward the staircase that lead to the dungeons. "Yes. He was quite interested in spreading false stories about a particular Potions' Apprentice by the name of Miss Granger. He was intent on telling his friends that the war hero was seen 'gallivanting' with the greasy git of the dungeons."

I heard the gasp leave my mouth before I could stop. "I am so terribly sorry, Professor. I never meant for my presence to have any negative effect on your reputation."

To my surprise, he chuckled at my apology. It was most certainly not the reaction I'd been expecting. "Such a strange creature, you are." Seeing my confused features, he elaborated. "You care more about the reputation of an ageing wizard who was cruel towards you for the great majority of your time at Hogwarts than you do for your own."

I helped him down the stairs, it took a bit longer than expected, though it was a miracle he was able to maintain his body weight himself at all. "I suppose I've never really cared for the rumours. Merlin knows they've been following me for years. They are simply nonsensical fables created to keep the simple-minded occupied."

He eyed me, something admiring in his eyes before it was once again masked by cold indifference, as it always was. "Well said, Miss Granger."

A blush painted my cheeks at his praise. It was something I'd have to get under control. Getting all red every time he said something wasn't helping me at all in terms of credibility. "Besides, you too are a war hero, sir. You contributed largely to Voldemort's downfall. It is something that can hardly be repaid by offering you a medal."

This time, it was he, who's cheeks slightly coloured. It appeared the confident Potions' professor wasn't used to being complimented either. That was certainly something I could use against him later on if he ever got on my case.

Merlin, he really was rubbing off on me. Only a month, and already I was thinking of blackmailing my mentor. I didn't quite like that thought. "Sickle for your thoughts?" He asked, snapping me out of my reverie.

I shrugged. "Doubt they're even worth a knut, Professor."

We strode by the Slytherin Common Room, and he eyed all the students suspiciously. He didn't even trust his own house. I wondered how he dealt with them for so long as their Head. We stopped at my chamber door. He bid me goodnight, reminded me to report to his office at 7:30 the next morning, and went across the hall to his own rooms.

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