Writers block

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I got a Pm asking me how to get over writers block, seeing as in the beginning of the story I complained I couldn't update do to it.
If you look up online how to get over writers block it will tell you to write about anything. Anything at all, whatever comes to mind -like unicorns eating peanut butter - and that's helpful for some people . Though not for me I prefer to look at my story and just start writing. I write slowly, and whatever I can think of. It doesn't always make sense I'll revise it later.
This just helps me to get something down on the paper that I can look at and get an idea of where I'm trying to go and just see how I'm trying to get there.
Another thing that comes up on google is to write the middle or end before the beginning -write out of order- and, this sometimes helps. I like to try and write the final sentence first and then start at the beginning, so I have something to work up to.
I like to aim for a minimum word count, usually around 1,500/2,000 though lately it's been a bit shorter. I do this so that I exhaust all ends of where the chapter I am writing can go.
I ask myself
Would it be better and longer if I did this or if I did this? And I try to pick the side that will fill up the chapter and lead us to a final destination.

Listening to music or reading a book similar to what you're writing can also help. I hope this helps. Xxoo

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