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"What's going on?" Ian asks me, as he hands me a cup of juice. I smile at him and take a drink of the orange juice. DEFINITELY NOT JUST ORANGE JUICE.
I make a sour face and hand it back to Ian.
"Grace just basically said she's jealous that I can have a miscarriage and still be skinny. Yet she actually had her kid months ago and still have 11 pounds of baby weight." I say as I take back my drink, drinking all of it.
"Oh..." he says before taking my cup and refilling it for me.

At home
I take another drink of my water as I watch Troian and Keegan play fight in the living room. They got back together about two weeks ago. Everyone asked me what I wanted everyone to do. Like it was up to me if they got together and if Ian lived here and if we kept up with the show and everything. Everyone was in eggshells around me until after 2 weeks when I completely broke down. I stopped eating and I didn't talk that much. I cried for a full day and I demanded that the doctor get the dead babies out of me.
I had to go into labor to do it, and I freaked out. It was a big thing that happened.
Keegan and Troian bump into a jar of candy and the glass shatters. Troian squeals and Keegan stands up on the other side of the room. They both look at me with little innocent faces. It takes everything in me not to say awe.
"Which one of you is cleaning it up? Because I'm not going to." I say as I finish off my water. I wrap my light jacket tighter around my orange and yellow tweety bird pajamas.
"I will." Keegan says before I walk past the mess to my room. I open the door and walk to my big bed. I lay down and look at the ceiling. I'm truly happy right in this moment. Despite what Grace said and despite losing my babies. In 5 years what will my life be like? Will I still be doing this show? I hope not, it's a good job but I don't want it to take over my life.
I turn over before standing up and running down the hall to Ian's room. I knock on his door before looking at the time on my phone 11:37 flashes on the screen. I don't really care, if he's asleep he won't answer and I'll go find someone else to hangout with me. I wait a second before knocking a little softer.
"Coming!" Ian yells from the inside of his room. I hear footsteps hitting the floor and Ian opens the door to face me. I grab his wrist, not caring that he has no shirt on. So what if someone gets the wrong idea? I pull him into my room and jump onto my bed. He joins me and we start to jump, Troian and Keegan probably think that we're having *** but I don't really mind. I continue to jump even when Ian sits down.
Finally after 20 minutes I start to get tired I flop down next to Ian. I look around and stop to look at Ian. He's still laughing at my attempt to jump over him. One of which resulted in my falling off the bed. And another one resulted in him having to dodge my feet as I went past his head.
"Ian..." I say as he slowly leans down toward me.
"Lu-- Ian?" I hear a voice from the doorway say, we both look to my door and see Shay standing there in her bikini. I sit up and look at her.
"Hey Shay." I say, standing up removing my duvet from my shoulders.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go swimming? We haven't had any girl time lately." She says, gesturing to her bathing suit.
"Yeah! One sec I've gotta put on my suit." I say as I push Ian out of my room and pull Shay in.
I take off my shirt and turn away from Shay. I look through my drawer to find my suit.
Finally I pull out my grey bikini and put the top on. It takes a second for my to tie the neck string but I can't tie the back string. I pull down my pants and underwear and put my bottoms on. I walk over to Shay and ask her to tie my string on the bottom.
When I'm ready we both grab flip flops and walk to the pool. I take my flip flops off and jump into the preheated pool.
"So... what did you want to talk about?" I ask, pulling my hair into a ponytail.
"Well, you know how you and Ian are getting close again?" She says as she pulls her shoes off and gracefully slides into the water. I sigh when she resurfaces.
"Yeah?" I ask, I'm not sure I want to know where this is going.
"Well I have a question," she says batting her eyelashes, I nod showing her to continue, "okay so, I was wondering if you guys want to go on a double date with me and Yani?" I roll my eyes and pull myself up to sit on the edge of the pool.
"I mean, doesn't sound life threatening or anything. Soooo... sure I guess." I say, acting like I'm totally unsure till the end of my statement.
We swim around for about an hour, it's a pretty warm night out, and sense the pool is heated we didn't have to worry about getting cold.
"I think I'm gonna head to bed." Shay says as she lifts herself out of the pool. I also pull myself out of the pool and wrap a towel from the towel box around myself. We both head into the living room to see Keegan and Troian asleep on the couch. Keegan's is hanging from
The left side with his head toward the floor and his feet against the wall and Troian is stretched out along the couch with her feet up against
Keegan's thighs. They look adorable, me and Shay look to each other with the same look-at-the-cute-puppy face. And at the same time we say,
"Awe" but were quiet as to not wake them up. We both sneak past them and head up to our rooms.
When I open my door I see Ian asleep sitting up against my footboard. I sigh and walk to my closet, I pull off my bathing suit top and my bottoms before grabbing some underwear and a baggy tee shirt. I crawl into bed, and try not to wake up Ian. But of course with my luck, he wakes up and moves to lay next to me.
"I should probably go back to my room." He says sleepily. It takes a lot for me not to say how cute his sleepy voice is.
"Maybe." I say as I roll over and snuggle my head into Ian's chest.
"Maybe in the morning." He mumbles against my head. I nod and wrap my arms around his waist.
We both drift to sleep and I also slip into a dream.
"We love you." I hear behind me, I twist my body around and see no one.
"We love you." I hear behind me again, I turn around again.
"We love you."
"We love you."
"WHERE ARE YOU?!?" I yell out, unable to find the source of the voices.
"What if she doesn't want me back?" I hear Ian.
"She loves you man, of course she wants you back." I hear Keegan say.
"What? Guys where are you?" I ask out, I can't see anything.
*Beep Beep*
I wake up to my alarm going off. I turn over and turn off the alarm. I look around and see Ian reading in the chair by my desk. I sigh and stand up me walk over to him.
"Hey." He says as I stand behind him, looking at his buttoned up shirt, that he'd put on at some point.
"Hey, how long have you been up?" I ask, playing with the collar of his shirt.
"A couple minutes, maybe 20? Long enough to know you had a bad dream." He says turning the chair around and pulling me onto his lap.
"Oh." I say as I get myself comfortable on his lap.
"I'm pretty sure it had to do with me, considering you kept screaming my name." He says as he plays with the hem of the shirt I have on that goes down to my mid thigh.
"I don't know. I'm fine, I just had a slight nightmare. Everything's fine." I say, swatting his hand away, as I stand up.
"Okay. Well Ashley made breakfast, if you wanna eat something." He says, leading me out of the room.
I'm actually kinda happy that I had that dream, because it's made me really realize that I do love Ian and maybe it wouldn't be to bad if we did end up together again. Just maybe.

Yet another chapter and I'll start another one! It'll be up by the end of the week!
Thanks guys for reading, bye!

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