Realization COMPLETE

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Shays POV
Ian and Lucy stay outside, for about 20 minutes after they pulled up, I knew I shouldn't have told Ian the truth about the test, but I thought he had a right to know. As I'm walking toward the kitchen, Lucy turns the corner, locking eyes with me, letting out a scream, of frustration, the scream of someone who is done. Not a loud scream but a baby scream, I can see the pain, and anger in her eyes. I can see how she doesn't want to deal with me, i make no move to hug her, she walks, I know she needs time. She won't be mad forever. As i open the fridge and reach for a piece of low fat blackberry pie, i decide against it as my hand brushes the plate. My stomach growls in protest, so I grab an apple instead. I eat it walking back to my room. It's not completely filling but I'm happy with it.

Ian's POV

I walk to my room, walking past the rooms of people who I'll have to face everyday if I stay. The faces of people who see the best in me. People who believe I'm a good person. How do I face them when I was reckless and got Lucy pregnant and I yelled at her.
Lucy.  The thought hits me like a ton of bricks. She's fragile she can't handle this. She fell back into bad habits not even a full 3 weeks ago. She is trying her hardest to be strong. I know she is. I'm making it worse for her. She has to eat and stay healthy and me yelling is putting that in danger. I pass her room, and stall. Listening.
The silence is deafening, no sounds. My breath stopped, in fear of something being missed if I do breathe.
Her door blocking me from seeing what is happening. Her smile in my mind, bright and perfect. Her eyes brown and full of life.
The silence rings on, I can't take it. I push open her door, slowly as not to wake her -if she does lay asleep- she's sitting on her bed, not looking at the door, instead sitting facing the window. Her eyes and cheeks dry. Before letting out a breath of relief I shut the door. As quiet as possible.

Lucy's POV

I run to my room, I'm tempted to wait for Shay to follow. But she does not, she instead continues her way. I reach my room and sit on my bed, facing the window. Not crying, not thinking, just looking. I hear footsteps pass my door, then stop quickly. I know the person is standing just behind the door. Listening to me, I wait. Not making a sound. Not wanting someone to come in. I wait a minute before the door opens slowly. Ian looking in, his cheek a little red, his eyes wet with unshed tears. I wait, not acknowledging his presence. He leaves, shutting the door even quieter than before.
      When Ian leaves I can't hold it in any longer. I scream, letting the tears fall from my eyes. Burrowing my head in my blanket. Tears soaking it. I sit up, before laying back down.
I'm pregnant and I know I can do this if I just believe.
I fall asleep. Not dreaming of anything.

Keegan POV
I know what's going on with Ian and Lucy, I'm the one who told Shay to get her to take a test. Lucy has to be pregnant, Ian knows and now she's crying. I don't even have to get up from the lawn chair in the backyard to know she's crying. I don't have to be there to know Ian fucked it up.
   I like to think I see the best in him, but sometimes that's just too hard. He makes mistakes like everyone else but this one is just too big to ignore. He can't mess with Lucy and hurt her and expect everyone to act like it never happened.
I don't move to leave when Ian steps into the backyard in nothing but shorts. He can't get the best of me. Not right now, he can't. He stands next to me until I look over at him.
"This is the only lawn chair." he says gesturing to where I am sitting.
"Yeah?" I ask, still not moving.
"You've been sitting in it for 20 minutes. I think I deserve to sit there." He says, not breaking eye contact.
"Nah fam." I say turning my head forward closing my eyes.

I can tell Ian is mad but he'll get over it. He can't get everything he wants. I don't know why but lately me and him have been having some unspoken fight. We don't yell or punch but we dig into each other

Yanis POV
Shays been a bit distant lately, I can't seem to figure out why. I'm sitting on the couch with her but she's not really here. She's somewhere else completely, I sigh and get up for some water. Not interested in the movie that is playing.
"Lucy's pregnant." She says as I walk back to the living room with a cup of water. I stop looking at her and drop the glass.
"What?" I ask staring at her wide eyed. Ian had told me that he used a condom and she was on the pill and that he was 100% sure she wasn't pregnant.
"She took a test and she's pregnant." (Idk if I said how far along she is yet but she is going to be 3 weeks or about 1 month.) Shay says as I look down at the glass that had shattered.
"How far along?" I ask sweeping the glas into a pile with my shoe.
"Almost a month." Lucy says from the hallway, surprising me and Shay. Her eyes red from crying and her hair messed up.
"Congr-" I'm cut off by Ian
"Don't congratulate us. We're not sure what's going to happen to this baby." He says walking past Lucy. I smile slightly as Shay gets up to get the broom.
Lucy POV
I awake from my sleep, my eyes foggy and my thoughts jumbled. I look around before remembering everything that happened. I get up and walk downstairs, seeing Yani and Shay, before I move to talk to them Shay speaks.
"Lucy's pregnant." Yani stops, looking at her, dropping his glass of water.
"What?" He ask, his eyes going wider, I don't understand why he looks like he's remembering something.
"She took a test and she's pregnant." Shay says, as my face heats up. She spills my secret to everyone she wants to.
"How far along?" He ask, trying to be happy but I can see he's not.
"Almost a month." I say, speaking up.
"Congr-" Yani starts with a small smile.
" don't congratulate us. We're not sure what's going to happen to this baby." Ian says cutting him off, passing me.
Yani smiles politely as I walk to the kitchen, following Ian. He stops and turns around, smiling. Then he sees my face, sees that it's me.
"Oh.... What do you want?" He ask pulling his jacket up higher on his shoulders.
"I think we should talk. Not fight." I say, pulling myself onto the counter.
"You slapped me." He says pulling a pot out of the cupboard, filling it with water.
"I was upset that you would even consider leaving me to take care of this baby alone. I thought you might have actually meant those things you said." I say, more tears threatening to leave my eyes as he fills the pot with water.
"I love you, Lucy I love you." He says not breaking eye contact. "I would never mean those things." He says hugging me, as best he can due to the fact I'm sitting on the counter.
"I love you too Ian." I say as I hug back.
"Want some Top Ramen??" He asks pulling back from the hug.
I nod my head and watch him make noodles, he occasionally smiles at me or places his hand on my leg.

It's good to be back.

It took me over a week to write the end of this and it's not even as long as the other chapters. I'm sorry guys.
Also I'm not sure on what's going on with the cover but I didn't change it so wattpad messed up because I wasn't the one who changed the cover it just changed. I am going to fix it.

Lucian, just believe *slow updates*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant