Buffet at 1am??

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Buffet at 1am??

In the bathroom I turn on the faucet and wash my face and brush my teeth brushing my hair into a bun. I can't go to sleep without taking care of that. I lay back in bed getting comfy as my stomach growls. "I can't eat it's like 1 am. " I say to myself coming up with a reason not to eat. My stomach growls again demanding food. "I am NOT eating, I am NOT hungry." I whisper clutching my stomach rolling over into Ian's chest. I hear him groan as he wakes up, "What?" He ask, probably thinking I woke him up for a reason. "I didn't mean to hit you, I just can-" I am cut off by my stomach growling alerting Ian that I am hungry. "can't sleep, I didn't mean to hit your chest." I say smiling at him as I lay down all the way pulling the blanket over myself curling up in a ball. "I'm hungry as well why don't we get some food from the late night buffet downstairs and then sleep, if we can?" He ask with a smile on his face as I sit up at the mention of food. "I'm not really hungry you can go get some food or I'll go with if you'd like." I say pulling my knees to my chest and pulling the blanket to meet my chin. "Okay, come with me." He says pulling my hand as he stands.

I pull on some shoes and grab a robe to keep warm. Ian pulls on his shoes and grabs my hand as we make our way to the elevator, "Can we take the stairs? The elevator is dark at night and the stair's have light." I say as We pass the stair door. " The elevator has light, and the bottom floor is 15 floors down which is 30 levels of stairs 7 stairs each level and that is 210 stairs. That's a lot, also the bottom floor stairs has to have a janitorial key to open from the stairwell." He says pulling me the elevator. "Okay." I say sighing as he presses the down arrow to get the elevator to our floor. It takes about 2 minutes for it to rise from the ground floor. My car is parked on my floor but the hotel has a garage in the back that you can reach from each floor. So no one has to work to hard to get to there cars and can leave anytime. Except the bottom floor, they have to have their cars in the parking garage across the street. The elevator dings open and we step in, I look at the mirror on the wall and sigh as I see how fat I am. No reason for food, my body can live on all my lard for years.

Ian presses the button that says 1 and we stand in the corner, away from the mirror. We wait a good few minutes before the elevator dings and lets us onto the ground floor. We walk down the long hallway, past 3 doors on the left and turn the right hand corner to the kitchen and past that door, into the meal room. We turn left into the buffet, consisting of breakfast foods but also a few dinner and a ton of snack foods. "Get your food and then we can go back up." I say to Ian. He nods as he grabs a styrofoam plate and starts to place some kiwi and bacon on it. "You grab a plate too? I have been with you non stop for three days and you haven't eaten a thing." He says laughing as he puts an hard boiled egg in the egg cup ontop of the syrup holder- a symbol of royalty for an egg.It's a game played by the kids in the hotel.- and puts a bag of chips on his plate that has a few pieces of bacon and three or four slices of kiwi with a couple of scrambled eggs and a toast slice with butter on it, around like 2000 calories I would guess with the orange juice he is pouring. I sigh "I told you I am not hungry." Ian grabs another plate and hands it to me."I know when you lie, you breathe through your mouth when you lie and you blink faster while you talk if you're lying." He says kissing my cheek."EAT" He says to me. I sigh and nod as I put some celery and peanut butter on my plate and place a piece of pineapple on it as well. "There."I say sighing as I show Ian what I've grabbed. "Okay...NO."He says grabbing my plate setting his on the counter behind me and piling on some watermelon and eggs with some toast. "Good." He says kissing me. I grab his neck kissing him back, He lifts me and puts me on the counter behind me, almost setting me on his food but ai scootch it out of the way.

He pushes his tongue across my bottom lip pushing his tongue into my mouth and I moan. I pull back to breathe a bit. After we catch our breathe I pull him back in, sighing as he runs his hands up and down my sides. Someone clears their throat. I pull back and scream.

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