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"When I was three I thought I could fly so I jumped off the roof of my mom's shed. I broke my ankle, but I didn't care because for a split second I could fly and that's all that mattered." I say looking at a script for a new television show.

Ian sits at the end of the bed holding the same script reading the next line with little emotion "But you didn't fly, you fell, and flying isn't as easy as falling" He sighs at the end hopping onto his feet.

"I did fly no matter what others say, I flew from the top of the shed to the bottom, because I believed in myself, and right now? I believe in myself. Thats how I know I'll make it through tonight" I say closing the booklet.

Ian smiles and closes his booklet as well, I see the sorrow in his eye's. We have to tell Marlene our plan for leaving by tonight. I had confidence in my voice in my last line but, I wasn't a three year old who thought I could fly. Never was. I don't believe in myself and I am not completley sure I'll make it through tonight.

By the time me and Ian actually find Marlene it's about 5:40, I walk up to her to tell her that Ian and I have decided to end it. When I tap her on the shoulder I take a breath before speaking "Ian and I weren't serious, we are ending it and we will never start again." I say in one breath as she nods before answering.

"Okay,I'm proud of you." She says smiling turning back to finish talking to Ted who works on lighting. I turn and walk toward Ian with a sad smile, hoping he is as sure as me in our decision.

He returns the smile not bothering to hide the sadness in his eye's.

"It's okay." I say passing him, wiping a tear from my eye, not wanting to stick around and get caught talking to him.

"Ending him and I wouldn't have been as hard if we hadn't spent that last night together. "I say to Shay, as she finishes her water off, setting down the cup. "He was so sweet, I wish I didn't do it." I say as I remember what happened.

{flash back}

Ian sighs into me, kissing my neck, placing his hands on my sides. I lean against him pulling at his shirt. He lifts my shirt an inch, kissing my forehead before moving back to my lips. I smile into the kiss as he lifts my shirt further smiling back. He pulls my shirt up over my head, I smile at him before pulling his shirt over his head. He lifts me up, moving to the bed on the other side of the room. I stop for a second and pull my hair up into a ponytail, not wanting for it to get in the way. He unbuttons my pants pulling them past my hips before moving south to my stomach, he kisses above my belly button, stopping to look at me for approval. I bite my lip before nodding, he continues to kiss my stomach. When he reaches my panties I suck in a breath, he finishes pulling off my pants, standing up to pull off his. He leans back down to kiss me again, I reach up and pull his head to mine. Kissing him, before I let go and attempt to flip him over -key word being attempt. He smiles, flipping us for me I sit on his torso, with my knees on either side of his hips.

He sighs pulling me down onto him, I am lying on his body, his throbbing member beating against my leg. I smile at him as I pull down my panties, doing the same to him before resuming kissing him. He flips us pushing the tip of his penis into my vigina. I am surprised by the pain, I smile at him slowly as I bite my lip. He takes a few minutes to get me ready and puts on a condom. He inserts himself fully into me, I yelp at the pain a tear slipping from my eye. He stops moving to kiss the tear away. I pull his shoulders into me, he resumes moving up and down I hear him groan in pleasure at the same time as I sigh as a wave of plain yet pleasure washes over me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lucian, just believe *slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now