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After shower
I get into my pajamas and walk to the living room to see Ian sitting on the couch, he seems to have found the perfect movie.
"What about sausage party?" He asks, as I sit down still ringing out my hair with a yellow towel.
"I think something more well... appropriate would be better." I say laughing a little as he realizes what the movie was about.
"Oh! How about we just watch adventure time?" He says clicking on that instead.  I nod and get up to make some popcorn that I'd found in the cupboard earlier. I know it's not old because he'd told me on the drive up that his parents were here just a week ago and they bought groceries. Non perishable. I put it in the microwave and decide to spend the next three minutes on my phone.
I pull it out of my pocket and see I have a text from Ashley, "Hi! What's the cottage like? Have you guys had steamy sex?" I instantly blush and text back.
"The cottage is so beautiful. We went to dinner. And no, were watching adventure time." I say, sending a roll eye emoji.
I join Ian on the couch after adding a little sugar to the bag of popcorn. When I go to sit down Ian pulls me onto his lap and gives me a kiss on the back of the neck. I shiver as I turn around to give him a stern look. I shake my head at him and lean into him, we watch three episodes of adventure time.
Though with him kissing my neck constantly I can't really pay attention. Finally after the third episode, I yawn and stand up.
"Well, I think I'm going to head to bed." I say, smiling at him, and walk to my room, laying on the bed, before looking into the add on bathroom in here.
It looks like a typical bathroom, and I soon get bored. I head back to my room and snuggle into bed, reaching over and turning off the table light. I fall asleep quickly and don't wake up till I hear a knock on my door.
I get out of bed, groaning as the cold floor sends a shiver up my back. I peddle over to the door and flip the switch to turn on the light, and peek out the door. I see a sleepy Ian with his blanket wrapped around himself. I pull the door all the way open and stretch before grabbing my jacket, putting it on over myself.
"What?" I ask, my voice is coarse, I look to the clock and see it's 2 in the morning.
"I can't get back to sleep. Can I sleep with you?" He says, sounding like a small child. I can't resist cooing at him, I sigh and pull his hand, leading him to my bed.
We lay down and in moments I hear his breathing even out as he drifts into sleep. I turn over onto my right side and start to drift to sleep. It takes me about 20 minutes but it still happens. I don't wake up again until 7 when Ian is pushing my cheek with his hand. I open my eyes and adjust to the bright light before sitting up.
"Hmm?" I hum at him, I wanted to sleep in. It's my last day to sleep in.
"Get ready, we're going out to breakfast." He says, throwing me the grey bodycon dress I packed and leaving the grey suede high heels I also packed by the door.
I grin at how good he is at picking out outfits before brushing my hair, washing my face and getting dressed.
I put my hair down and walk to the living room. I feel sexier then I have since I got pregnant when Ian yells,
"Holy damn woman! You're fine as hell!!" I blush a deep red before hugging him and grabbing his hand as he leads me to the car. I sit in the passenger seat and watch him as he drive to town.
"So I thought we'd spend the day out and about and drive back tonight." He says, reaching over, leaving his hand on my thigh. I place my hand on top of his and nod. I'm excited for today.
We pull into Johnas breakfast diner and step out of the car. We walk around to the front and are instantly shown to a table. When we take a seat and are given our menus I look it over.
I decide quickly what to get and wait for the waitress to come see us. A young woman with light brown hair walks over and asks Ian, and only Ian.
"What can I get you?" She seems to lean further into Ian, pushing her boobs at him.
"Um.. Lucy, what do you want?" He says, he doesn't seem to even notice the girls attempts at seducing him.
"The vegetarian omelet."  I say, as the woman nods, never even looking at me, I don't bother to say please because I'm a bit pissed at her. She gets Ian's lumberjack combo order and we both just order coffee and leaves. Swaying her hips extra fat out.
"Do you not even notice it?" I ask, mostly myself. Though due to it being said a bit louder than I meant Ian looks to me.
"Notice what?" He asks looking around for something he should have noticed.
"That waitress, throwing her breast into your face, and basically raping you with her eyes." I say, shaking my head at him.
"I don't notice because you're the only girl I have eyes for. The only one I want to see in that way." He says, and I blush, the waitress walks over right as I reply.
"That was the perfect answer." I say, grabbing his hand. The waitress sets down the coffee, nearly setting it on our hands.
"Your food will be our, eventually." She says, her face is disgusted when she looks at me. I roll my eyes and leans back in the booth and look out the window we'd been sat next to. 
I see the busy people walking by and all the people talking. I imagine what they're talking about and turn to Ian.
"Will you play 1 2 3 marry me, with me?" I ask, his face is shifted into a look of pure confusion.
"What's that?" He questions me, and I look back out the window.
"Okay, so you have to look out the window and I I'll say 1 2 3 marry me and the first girl to walk by you have to say yes or no. If you say no I do it again and if you say no you have to say yes to the next person." I say explaining it to him as he nods along. We play till our food comes, he ends up saying yes to a dark redhead with a black dress on and a pug, a old lady holding a poodle. And I say yes to a man in pajamas and a younger boy - about 19- riding a longboard.
We both dig into our food and make small talk, we finally finish around 8:30 and leave to go to the stores. After parking we sit in the car, looking around at the shops, trying to decide where to go first.
I suggest sunglass hut and he says he hates that store. He says Nordstrom and I point out it's summer in LA and we don't need a jacket.
This is going to be a long day.

Okay, another chapter. WOO
I'll try to update tomorrow I'm off school because of snow.

Lucian, just believe *slow updates*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt