2:23 am

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I switch Karen from my right hip to my left, and look around the party searching for someone to take her so I can pee. I've had to pee or nearly an hour, but I figured I could hold it till the last second. I must say, the last second was about 20 seconds ago. I sigh an walk up to Shay, holding Karen out to  her. She raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Take her, I have to pee." I say, pushing the baby at her again. 

"Hurry." She says, as she takes the baby, smiling at me. 

I run to the bathroom and pee as fast as I can, I feel so tired. I've been taking care of Karen for hours  and I just don't see how I could've taken care of twins. I shake my head and dry my hands, they are still cold so I press them to my face. I rush back into the back yard and find Shay, she hands me back Karen, giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Thanks, I couldn't hold it anymore." I say as Shay hands me a water bottle. I smile at her and open it. 

"I have something to do. I'll be right back." She says, as she walks toward the back deck. 

She climbs on top of a chair and takes a microphone from the makeshift stage next to her. She turns it on and taps it a few times as Yani joins her, standing next to the chair shes on, he whispers something to her and she steps down. 

"Excuse me? Can I have everyone's attention?" She says into the black microphone. The party quiets down and she chuckles at something Yani said to her. 

"So, I have something to say- actually- we have something to say." She says, looking at Yani, and even from here I can see the love in their eyes.

"As most of you know, me and Yani have been dating for nearly a year, but we knew each other long before the show."She says, and takes a deep breath as people murmur to each other, gossiping already. 

"No, this isn't me telling you were getting married," She pauses as some people laugh and others sigh in relief, I just shake my head in amusement. 

"Before I say this, Lucy, could you join us up here?" She says, and my eyes go wide, my face flushes before I set down my water and place Karen on my other hip and start to walk toward Shay and Yani. I finally make it to them  and wait for her to continue. 

"I'm pregnant." She says and everyone gasps and then some cheer and some laugh, like it's a joke. 

"Lucy, I wanted you up here because, I want to ask you in person. Not from across the yard." She says, and looks at me, turning her body to face me. 

"I know you were planning names when you lot your twins, but I was wondering, if it's a girl,  could I name it Amelia?" She asks, and by the mention of my twins, and the name I had chosen, I suck a sharp breath in. 

"Of  course. If anyone was going to use that name I'd want it to be you." I say, pulling her into a hug.  I can feel her body shake with tears, she pulls back and looks at me, her eye's full of tears, I smile at her, and I try not to cry. 

"Thank you." She says, this time just to me, not into the microphone, and I just smile. 

"Okay that's all, you can go back to  what ever you were doing." She says, and I laugh as she goes back to put the microphone back into the stand, but as she leans across me Karen babbles into the microphone. 

Everyone coos at her and I put the microphone away. I smile and everyone goes back to the party. I walk back to the back of the yard and watch everyone congratulate Shay and Yani. I look at Karen as she starts to cry. I sigh and start bouncing her on my hip, and head back toward the house. I shush her as I make a bottle of formula and bounce her around. I test the heat of the bottle on the inside of my wrist and place her on my lap and place the bottle in her mouth. I smile as she rubs her eyes with her small fists. 

Lucian, just believe *slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now