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Keegan, Troian, and I all run out of the make-up room and outside.
"What happened?" I ask Marlene, afraid that the set had caught fire
"Someone pulled the fire alarm, we are going to postpone filming for today but the whoever pulled it will not be on filming for tomorrow." She says taking a breath and shaking her head. "How will you know who pulled it?" Troian ask looking around. "The alarm spits out black infared ink on to the hands of anyone that pulls it. Well use a camera as everyone leaves and we'll find who pulled it." I think back to the little girl who was running around "I'd check Marley, she was a little hyper and she was a little touchy earlier. " I say hoping like I didn't sound like a snitch. " Marley? We didn't cast a Marley. " Marlene says looking around. I stand there stunned as her words echo in my mind, then who was that little girl? I just stood there looking through the crowd, this is freaking me out the whole show is about stuff like this. What if, their just trying to get us to get in the mood? I look at Keegan and he just shrugged, and shakes his head and looks at Troian. "I saw a lottle girl earlier she said she was just there to be a kid who loved Alison and nothing more."Troian says. "Yea that seems to be what we were all cast-ed as." A girl with brown hair that had a little wave to it says startling us all "oh sorry I'm Shay, I play Emily." We all nod , and she smiles at Keegan and only him as I chuckle. "Is this Marley? " Marlene ask causing us to turn around. I nod looking at the little girl, she avoids my eye contact and sighs. "I'm babysitting her she wasn't supposed to leave the room." Says a girl with blonde hair and brown roots. "Oh I'm Hannah, but my real name is Ashley. " Says the girl looking at Marley. "Hi, I'm Lucy, this is Keegan, Troian, and Shay." I say pointing to each of us. She nods smiling at Keegan, and I full out laugh. Everyone looks over at me and I can't hold it in any longer, I completely go laughing hasterically. Just as I collect myself someone says "She okay?" I hear Ian asking, I look up and cough and look at the other girls as they all talk to Keegan and flirt like hell. While I stand there and look at Ian and stand there like I don't know what's going on. "You okay? It looked like you were gonna die right here on set." Ian states laughing and pushing my hair behind my ear. I look down at my feet and blush a deep red " I- I'm fine just an inside joke." I say walking over to Marlene, "So, whats going on Mar?" I ask wanting to get out of Ian's area before I explode. "Were gonna film some other time tomorrow and tonight we'll just do another walk through of the script of the first episode, on stage one, okay? So get to stage one when you can and we'll start." She says walking off at the end. I sigh and walk over to Ian, "Hey, so..." I say not knowing how to start a conversation with him. "Whats the plan?" He ask shielding his eye's from the late evening sun, "We film tomorrow and read through episode one tonight at stage one. You wanna drive there together?" I ask hoping I'm not being to sudden or forward. He laughs a little before answering "I didn't think that you'd be so.... easy to talk to." He says nodding. "Is that a good thing?" I ask noticing he avoided my question. "Yea, and yes I'd love to drive with you to the stage." He says grabbing my hand and heading to what I guess is his car. "Is this your car?" I ask surprised, as we stand at the hood of a purple bronco. "It's a rental, my big sister is using my car currently,she's just really bad at remembering to bring it back often so whens she is in town I get a rental to be sure I can get places." He say unlocking the car and getting in and opening the passenger door for me and starting the car. "So, do you know how to get to the stage?" I ask looking at the interior of the car which is all leather and maple wood. "Who said were going to the stage?" He ask turning left, "We're going to go get ice-cream." He says turning left again. "Were going to get in trouble." I whine "The whole thing for tonight is to get ready for filming tomorrow." I say looking around our surroundings seeing a fair, "The fair really?" I ask thinking like this is a date.

Hey guys sorry for the shortness of everything but I try for quality of words over quantity of words. so thanks for all the support and it's spring break and I have a road trip with my mom so thanks, and I'll uodate some more later on.

P.s: the video is Ian harding for a smoothie video thought you'd all enjoy and get a good laugh, if it won't stream and you have YouTube it's a black and white video just search "Ian harding smoothie commercial. " you'll laugh your purple monkey underpants off. :) ._.

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