Center Line

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Ian's POV

When I wake up I hear movement coming from downstairs, I sigh and flop myself down the stairs, waiting to see the rest of my lovely family. I walk into the kitchen to see Lucy sitting on the counter with my mom bustling around the kitchen. I freeze, "What the ffff.... Um... What is she doing here??" I ask, looking at my mom, waiting for them to notice me. Lucy simply looks up with a small smile on her face, they're up to something.

My mom looks over at me smiling brightly, "She dropped by, thinking we knew what was going on, but imagine my surprise when she shows up with a 4 month pregnancy belly and a ultrasound picture." She blurts out while cooking some eggs for -I assume- Lucy. I look to Lucy, shaking my head.

She smirks, even further. "Well, imagine my surprise when I show up to your house and your parents don't even know that I'm having your babies." She shakes her head, looking to my mother. I scuff, shaking my head at her, my mom pauses her cooking turning around, her eyes wide, I stop too, waiting for lucy to explain. Her smile stays in place for another moment before she realizes her mistake.

Her smile drops and she takes a deep breath, willing herself to speak. "I went to the doctors today... well um, I thought I had a miscarriage but instead I'm having twins." She says rubbing her medium sized bump.

"Thought you had a.." I don't finish before she interrupts me.

"I had clear and bloody discharge but they said it was just leakage because my stomach is being stretched so much." She shrugs but I can see the pain in her eyes. I can see her fear in her eyes. I stop, looking to my mother for help. What does she mean, miscarriage.

SHe opens her mouth, a little, before closing it again, opening and closing again, like a fish, without water.

FInally she seems to gather the courage to speak,opening her mouth and letting the words fall out.

"I went to the doctors and they couldn't find a heartbeat and I asked for them to look at the gender and they found a heartbeat and said it's two babies and ones a boy and the other is a girl and I thought you'd want to know. Though now I'm not sure because Troian and you are together and I don't deserve to have..." she stops, catching her breath. I look at her in alarm, before looking to my mom for a reaction.

"Lucy, you can leave now." My mother says, not turning to either of us. I shake my head clear, looking to Lucy, to see her eyes wide in shock as she gets off the counter, I can't believe my mom just kicked her out. I shake my head again as she grabs her purse, I can't believe it.

Lucy's POV

On the drive home I turn into Walmart's parking lot and stop the car, letting the engine stall. I sigh and turn off the key, stepping out of the car onto the pavement. I grab a jacket and put it on and cover my face with large sunglasses. I go into the store, surprised to see it practically empty. I go to the back and grab three fleece blankets, one red, one green, and one turquoise. I also grab two elephant stuffed animals. I take a blue one and a black one. Next I go to the food aisle and take out 3 pints of ice cream and a box of taquitos. I sigh as I walk to the register.

The lady rings up my items and tells me my total, I pull out a 20$ and a 10$ and hand them to her "Keep the change." I tell her as I walk out, not wanting to talk to people. I make my way to my car and get in setting the two bags next to me. I smile as I pull out the green blanket draping it across me to keep me comfortable, I sigh as I start the car and pull out of my parking space, pulling onto the small street leading from the parking lot to the main road.

I gasp as one of the babies kick as I'm pulling into the main road, I am not used to the feeling yet, because the babies have been pretty calm till now, causing me to release the steering wheel and the gas peddle.

3rd person POV

Lucy doesn't see as the blue Hummer H1 sped toward her. Slamming on their brakes as they neared, hitting the front of her car at roughy 35 miles per hour sending her car into a free spiral to the center barrier.

Before she can process what was happening, a piece of her steering wheel hits her, knocking her out cold. Her body jolts around as she hits the center divide and the car flips. Her car stops on the side opposite it started, the cars around her's still.

15 minutes later

Someone has called the ambulance and another 3 removed Lucy from the car, laying her down on the ground, supporting her head with 5 jackets. She is still passed out, her breathing short and soft. Someone pushes the guy kneeling over her aside and a man in a white coat comes into view of the crowd.

After loading Lucy into an ambulance the tow company comes and takes her car off the road.

Lucy's POV

9 hours later

I wake up to a soft murmur, I rub my eyes and look around making eye contact with a rather attractive doctor. "Hello, I'm doctor Shepard, I've been taking care of you and keeping your friends updated for the past 9 hours, do you have any idea what happened?" He rambles on to me, never breaking eye contact. I shake my head, afraid my voice wouldn't work.

He nods and picks up a clipboard at the foot of my bed and flips a page.

"Well, you were hit at roughly 35 miles an hour by a H1 Hummer, you see, your car spun out and hit the concrete center divide, flipping over it." He takes a deep breath

"You were hit by 2 cars in the other lane you spun into. When you were rushed you into surgery. We performed surgery on your leg, to repair the damage made when your shift compartment fell on it. " He looks back to the clipboard, like it's holding his script.

"While we were in surgery, we called in a ultra sound technician, and we've come to the conclusion, one of your babies is in critical condition and you have two options," He pauses, looking up at me, I'm shocked at what he's told me. I nod my head, showing I under stand.

"Well, you could either abort the baby who is having trouble, and give the other one- the stronger one,a better chance of survival. Or you could go on with both fetuses and risk the life of both." He says as he sits on the foot of my bed. I blink rapidly, trying to clear my head.

"I-i I can't abort one of my babies, I'm going on with both... um.. Babies." I say avoiding the word he used to describe my unborn babies. He looks slightly disappointed in me, as though his hope was for me to kill my own flesh and blood. 

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