The truth

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Lucy's pov
I sigh as yet another kick is blown to my stomach, the babies have been so active for the last 3 days since I got out of the hospital. They basically told me to go on bed rest and eat lots of proteins and lipids, which according to the internet is stuff high in fat. I'm doing my best, but as a recovering anorexic I'm having troubles.
Ian hasn't come back to the house and Keegan is coming home in 2 days. He was so worried for me he cut his trip short. Lately I've been craving skittles, not sure why. I just could really use some,I would go buy some but my car was totaled and I can't drive for 3 weeks. So I'd have to take a taxi or have someone drive me and the former isn't a good idea and the latter is hard when the only person around today is Troian. We've been avoiding each other, she is always on the phone with Ian, she rubs it in my face that he left me for her. I sigh, and roll over to my left side on my bed. I don't want a nap, I don't want any of the food we have in the house. I only want skittles and to go swimming. But I don't have any swim suits that fit and I don't have any way to go get one. I don't fit anything of mine that I own. Not anymore. Nothing but my dresses. And even those are getting a bit small. I just want to scream, I hate this!
I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Keegan, I just need to hear his voice. I wait for him to answer, 1 ring, 2 ring, 3 ring, 4, 5 ring, 6 ring, 7, 8, 9, no answer. I sigh, I pull redial his number, yawning. This time he answers on the third ring.

"Lucy. Baby girl, I was trying to get to the phone but it denied your call before I could answer." He says, and my heart flutters when he calls me baby girl.
"Keegan, God I needed to hear your voice. How are you?" I ask, as I lay on my back looking at the ceiling.
"I'm good, look I've got some news." He says as I hear footsteps pass my door.
"What?" I ask, yawning again.
"I'm home" he says as he walks into my room, smiling. I instantly get up, ignoring the kicks I receive to my lower stomach. I jump into his arms and give him a hug. I'm so happy he's home.
"I know you just got here, but will you give me a ride somewhere?" I ask, I want to get skittles and he can take me.
"Let me guess. Skittles??" He says, pulling a bag of skittle out of his pocket.
"How'd you know?" I ask taking the skittles back to my bed.
"When you called yesterday you mentioned you're craving them and so I went to the store and bought you like 10 bags from the airport. " I smile at him as he walks to the hallways and brings in a bag filled with bags of skittles.
"Thank you." I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.

We sit on my bed, talking for hours and I manage to eat nearly all the skittles. I'm about to fall asleep when my bedroom door flies open.
"You slut!! Trying to sleep with him while you're pregnant with Ian's baby?!" Troian yells from the doorway. I'm totally thrown off by her outburst and sit up from my previous position on Keegan's chest.
"What?" I ask groggily. I'm to tired to deal with her right now.
"Troian, you're the one who left me for Ian and Ian left Lucy. You have no right to be in here." Keegan says laying back down, trying to pull me with him. I don't move as I watch Troian.
"I need to tell you something." She says, slurring her words, she's clearly drunk. I roll my eyes and swing my legs over the side of my bed to stand up. I walk over to her and guide her to a chair in the corner of my room.
"Troian, what's going on.?" I ask her as she sighs. Looking around my room, I guess she's never really been in my room.
"Ian, wanted to see if you'd fight for him and if Keegan would fight for me so we fake cheated but then it became real. Marlene said she wanted me and him to do it to see if we'd be a better match on the show. And that's what started everything and now Ian wants to end it and so do I but you two are together. And we're not sure what to do." She says. Her words come out slowly and she looks like she's trying to remember what she's saying.
"Oh." I say before I have a sharp pain in my stomach.
"What's wrong Luce?" I hear a voice behind me before everything fades into black.

Troian's POV
Keegan just got home, he looks at me on the couch and heads straight to Lucy's room. God I wish me and Ian didn't fuck everything up, I wish I was still with him. I love him.
I love Keegan.
I wish I could just tell them the truth. I let a tear out as I walk to the kitchen, and pull out a bottle of beer, and sit back down on the couch. I open it easily considering it's a twist cap, I quickly take a sip before turning on the television. I can hear Keegan's voice travel down the stairs and this causes me to quickly chug the rest of my beer before walking back to the kitchen.
I throw away the bottle and pull out the vodka from the freezer and the Coca Cola from the fridge and pour a bit of each into a glass, before putting in some ice.
I head back to the couch. I sit down and watch some random little kids show while I scroll through Instagram on my phone. I decide to take some time to reply to some Dm's I have 306, I click on one that says
"Dear Troian, I've been watching pretty little liars since it came out. I've seen every episode at least 2 times. And I love you and Keegan 2gether. I even hold out hope you two will b 2gether off screen too! I think you'd make a perfect couple. I know you probably won't respond or even see this but maybe you could reply. And answer this.
Do you think you and Keegan could be together ever?"
I sigh, tears fall against my phone screen. I didn't know I was crying but I don't care.
"If I didn't screw up everything we would be together. But let's keep that our pretty little secret." I say sending the message to @t.jordyn on Instagram (lol that's my Instagram -FYI-)
I stand up and pour myself another drink. This time I take the soda and vodka with me and lay down. On the couch.
-2 hours later
I've finished h the bottle of vodka and  six pack of beer. Who else was going to drink it? Lucy? No haha.
I'm going to tell Lucy and Keegan that Marlene wanted me and Ian to try out being a couple because she didn't know about Ian and Lucy being together. So we said yes as to not raise suspicion. And then we decided to see if Keegan and Lucy would fight for us and so we made sure Keegan found out. But now it's gone too far.
everything from Lucy's room

Keegan picks up Lucy and we both get into his car with her in the back seat and he quickly drives us to the hospital. With everything that has happened lately, we're both scared. What if she loses her babies? It'll be all my fault. I'll never be able to face her. I start to cry, before we pull into the front of the hospitals emergency care unit.
Keegan gets out of the car and quickly takes out Lucy. Before rushing her into the building. I sit in the car looking like an idiot.
I have mascara all over my face and I'm shaking badly. I hear a tap on the window and look up to see a nurse. I roll down the window and say hello.

"Are you okay ma'm?" The nurse asks, I look around before realizing I'm in the unloading area. I reach across and turn off the car.
"I'm drunk." I say, I want to be honest. "I can't drive the car to a parking spot." I say, as I open the door and step out of the car.
"I understand ma'm, could one of the male nurses drive it to a parking lot and give you the keys?" She asks, carefully taking the keys from my hand. I nod slowly before stumbling to the right so the car can be moved.
Quickly she gives a man the keys to Keegan's car and guides me inside.
"How did you get her miss?" She ask, as she sits me in an empty room. I look around at the small 'room' we're in. It's just a bed a chair and two curtains surrounding us. I'm on the foot of the bed.
"My friend is pregnant and her boyfriend brought her in and I came with and I'm really drunk." I say, I'm not sure what my being drunk will help with but I put it in there anyway.
"Okay, miss, you are probably dehydrated, can I give you an IV?" She asks, as she wheels over one of the IV hangy things. I nod, sticking out my arm for her to put in the needle.
-30 minutes later.
The nice nurse checked my vitals and gave me the all clear about 5 minutes ago, I slowly made my way to the waiting room to find Keegan sitting in the corner, his eyes were stained red, and his hands were shaking.
"Any news?" I ask him, I must have startled him because he jumps a little before looking at me.
"She had a miscarriage." He says looking down at his feet. I feel a pain in my chest, I can't believe it.
"What- what caused it?" I ask, my breath catching in my throat.
"They said she was too stressed and that she wasn't eating enough. I should've been there. She needed me." He says, I see a few tears escape his eyes and I instantly feel guilty.
"I was there. I should've cared. I should've told her about me and Ian's deal and stuff. This is my fault. I should've paid attention to what she was doing." I say as I start to sob. This is all my fault. I could've helped. Keegan stands up and hugs me.
So we stand there in the waiting room, a big ball of tears. Neither of us say anything, and there's nothing to say.

I'm so sorry for not updating. But I've been at a loss for ideas, but I already have an idea for the next chapter. So I might put that up tonight or tomorrow morning. But anyway here's this chapter that took me 2 months to write and such.
Hope you don't hate me. -me

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