Him, Me, or BOTH?

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Please don't hate me for this chapter... I tried to prolong it for as long as possible. I hope you will stick around for the next chapter though. 

I wake up to the sound of a steady beeping, I can hear people talking around me. Only small bits come to me, something about diet and blood sugar or maybe it was pressure, I know I heard something about a pulse. I open my eye's to a blinding white roof, I try to sit up but can't. I look to my right, I see Ian and Shay sitting next to me. Whispering, they look worried. I groan as I try to talk. "Guys?" I say drawing their attention to me. They both start ranting about something, I quiet them, "Am I here because I passed out." I say blinking. "Yes." Ian says smiling sadly at me. "Well I just forgot to eat, and sometimes my body shuts off." I say looking at Shay. "You have a low pulse and they said your body shows no signs of eating for days, almost a week." She says looking at me with tears in her eye's. I shake my head, "I'm fine, I'm actually starving, can I have something to eat?" I ask smiling at them both. My stomach growls showing even further my point. Ian nods and grabs a tray from the bedside table, placing it on the bars covering me. I dig in eating everything on the plate in a record of 12 minutes, I sigh and scoot up to be sitting up. Ian looks at the tray and back to me. I smile at him pushing away the tray, he sighs as he takes it away."Well they said if you eat you are free to leave." He says, pressing the nurse button.

A short lady with a pixie cut and green eyes, wearing a black dress, walks in with a small smile. I look at her smiling back, "I ate and I'd like to go." I say smiling again. She nods and starts un-hooking me from the IV drip and breathing tube and whatever else is locked onto me. She has me sign some papers, I smile at Ian as he helps me off the bed helping me to the bathroom handing me my clothes. I get changed and brush my hair with my fingers, I leave the bathroom accepting Shay's help to the door and out of the hospital to the car. I climb in the back, buckling myself in. Ian looks to me as he climbs in the front seat, I smile weakly looking at the clock on the dash. 4:10, I think back to the last time I looked at the clock. It was 11 and that's when I first arrived at the stage. I sigh and try to think how long it took for me to have done everything and realize it must of been at least 12 when I fainted.

I'm shaken out of my thoughts when Ian drives forward, jolting me into the back of Shay's seat. I groan and rub my head, Shay laughs as Ian starts again. Gliding forward, easier now than before, Ian chuckles as he hits the parking brake. Causing the car to jolt forward, this time however I see it coming and I smile as Shay hits her head on the dash. SHe groans and rubs her head as Ian pulls onto Furthorner street, just in front of the hospital. Ian groans, as he sees all the traffic down the road. I sigh and put my feet up on the seat next to me, Ian takes the next left to Lorvener road. I guess we're taking the long way back to the hotel, that reminds me that I have to move into my house tonight. I tap Ian on the shoulder, he turns to me as he stops at a red light.

"I get to move in tonight," I say to Ian saying the next part louder "Do you guys want to join me?" I ask, implying I'd like for them to move in with me. Shay turns toward me, her eyes wide, I nod and think about how many rooms I have spare. I only need one and there's 10 not including the one in the guest house. So basically I have 10 extra rooms, Shay smiles and nods, "Turn off the radio, I have an idea." I say, as Shay turns down the volume. "I have 10 extra rooms, and 7 ½ bathrooms, You, Yani, Ashley, Ian,Troian, and Tyler, and Keegan, all live in hotels and apartments, sooooooooooo.... what if we all move into my house?" I ask figuring out that that only takes up 7 rooms, 8 counting me. I look at Shay as the car moves forward, she nods looking excited, probably to get out of that hotel.

Shay calls Yani and the girls as I call Keegan and Tyler. Everyone agrees, and they're getting packed and they're going to drive to the house tonight. I smile to myself as I realize this time we will all be together for our first real night in my new house. Our new house, I smile wider as "Take me to church." Turns on and Ian turns up the radio. I lean back in my seat and close my eyes listening to the song, it slowly fades out as I fall asleep in the seat of Ian's beautiful jeep. I dream that when we get to the house everything went perfectly, there wasn't any fighting over rooms and everyone was happy to be together. I wake up to the car being turned off at the hotel, I smile to myself then realize something out of the blue. The guest rooms and even my room for that matter need new beds. I sigh and get out of the Jeep maybe I can talk Ian into helping me get beds before tonight. I walk over to him and jump on his back, maybe if I am super sweet it will work better. I kiss his cheek and hug his neck, taking in a breath before asking him.

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