A date?

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We pull up to the fair, "A fair really?" I ask stunned that he would ditch a read through for a fair.

"Yes a fair, where else?" He ask pulling into a parking spot and shutting off the car, we sit there in silence for a moment. "We ditched a read through, for a fair?" I ask again, he looks at me smiling and shakes his head. "Yes, a faiiiirrrr." He says unbuckling and getting out. I just sit there watching him walk around the car opening my door and leaning over me to un-buckle my seat belt. I breath in and smell the musky yet clean scent if his cologne, it makes me think of the summers when my family would go to the lake and I would smell the towels at the beach house that had a musky but detergent-ly scent. "Are you getting out?" He ask, turning to me, I just nod speechles considering how close he was, as I am getting out of the car he grabs my hand. "I don't think we should be here." I say shutting the car door. "If you don't want to be here then why'd you shut the door?" He ask pushing my back against the car, "I think you deserve to have some fun, now and again, don't you?" He ask leaning down. I lean toward him, "My life is plenty fun and I think you're just getting to the part where I show you some fun." I say sliding under his arms and walking toward the fair. "Coming?" I ask over my shoulder, I hear him running after me and when he finally does catch up he grabs me an spins me around. I squeal and hit him until he sets me down.

"People are staring." He whispers into my ear, " So lets give them something to stare at." He says leaning down to kiss me, I gasp and turn away. "I-I'm sorry." He says walking toward the fair. I just stand there stunned until my phone goes off. I look at it and see that it's Keegan I answer.


"Hey, Aria, where are you?" He ask

"The fair.." I say stepping out of the road.

"What, why?" He ask clearly suprised

"Ian wanted to go and I just want to get to the reading

"Okay I'll come pick you up."

"Thanks, you know where the fair is, right?" I ask without an answer.

I look at my phone to find he had hung up, I sigh and sit down on the curb.


"Aria?" I hear Keegan ask as he pulls up in his jeep. "You going to get in?" he ask putting the car in park "Yea, I just don't know if I should tell Ian I'm leaving." I say standing up and brushing off my shorts. "Nah, he has his own car." Keegan says opening the car door for me and patting the seat "Okay." I say getting in and buckling the belt, "Let's go." I say shutting the door and spending a couple seconds to get situated "Is everything good?" He ask about half way to the stage. "Yea, I just want to get this day over with It's been long, Ya know?" I say shifting in my seat, "Yeah I know I just hope you forgive him." He says. I look over at him raising an eyebrow. "Forgive him for what?" I ask not knowing what he means. "Forgive him for trying to kiss you," He says "he texted me after it happened that's why I called." He say pulling into the parking lot in front of the stage.

"Where's Ian?" Marlene ask showing me where to sit. "The fair, he wanted to take his girl friend out on a date." Keegan answers. "A date?" A girl with short brown hair ask. "Thats Janell she plays Mona." Troian fills me in. But all i care about is that he has a girlfriend. A date?

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