Get Up and Go Home

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Caroline's POV
I know for a fact that Lucy was standing in the front window watching me drive away from her house when I left. I wonder what Keegan will say about me visiting. Me and Keegan didn't end it on good terms, I got pregnant with another mans baby and got an abortion. He doesn't know who it was that got me pregnant.
I don't plan on ever telling him who it was, he doesn't need to know, it'd ruin everything for him. Him and Lucy.
Lucy's POV
I walk back to the party, taking a sharp breath in before opening the door. As I walk into the back yard, loud music assaults my ears. I look around at the scene. When I left only about 15 people were out here and now there's closer to 100. I'd only been inside about 20 minutes. I recognize a few faces from the crew, and a few extras. I don't see any other familiar faces.
I make my way to the table that held food and drinks. Key word being held, there is not one thing left on that table. I turn back to the main stage to see three college age girls dancing and singing drunkenly. I sigh as I make my way to Keegan who I see standing by the stage attempting to turn down the sound.
Keegan's POV
I once again am pushed back as I try to reach for the sound knob. "Look man, I really need to turn his down. There's people sleeping inside." I say, once again being pushed back.
"No can do, paparoo." The tall man says.
"Look I live here, and I have no idea who you are so unless you'll let me turn down this music I'll be forced to call the cops." I say, as he laughs.
"You can't-" he starts but a small voice cuts him off.
"Move your ass, get off my property, and get those girls off my stage." Lucy says, her voice soft and small but holding authority.
The man shakes his head and walks to pull the girls off the stage. I smile and turn down the horrible music coming from the speakers. Lucy  smiling back slightly.
"So about earlier..." I say trailing off not sure where I was going with that sentence.
"No need to talk about it, you have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend. It was a spur of the moment." She says, her eyes wondering anywhere but me.
"Lucy." I say gripping her shoulder.
"Keegan." She sighs.
"I've always had a small crush or something similar to a crush on you." I say pulling my hand from her shoulder.
"Keegan. Don't." She says shaking her head, talking again before I can respond. "Don't ruin our friendship. Please. Let us be happy. I'm happy, I'm having a baby." She says touching her stomach. I simply nod and walk away.
Lucy POV
I can't think as it talk to Keegan, the words falling out of my mouth with no thought about it from my brain. I just say what I am saying, letting him acknowledge my words.
I know what I said for the most part, a summary in my head. I never saw his facial expression. Was he upset? Hurt? Angry? Did he even care?
I take a deep breath as I walk into the stage, grabbing a microphone on the way. I tap it when I reach center stage to get everyone's attention.
"Hey... I'm Lucy and I just wanted to ask something... WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE HERE?" I practically yell into the microphone.
"If Keegan Allen or myself did not invite you personally, you need to leave." I say calmly as people look around confused.
"This is not a college party, this is a small gathering. Get the fuck  off my property before I call the cops. And seeing as many of you are underaged and there has been drinking I don't believe you want that." I say as people start to hop the fence and run out the gate to their cars.
"WAIT! If you've had more then a single drink tonight stay where you are." I see people stop where they are and start to wonder back through the crowd to the main area.
"I will call cabs and parents, you can also chose to sleep here if you cannot get home tonight." I say not wanting any accidents on the road.
I hear murmurs and I take that as a cue of confusion.
"Line up single file." I watch people look around. "NOW." I say, just wanting to sleep. People start rushing to a line. I pull a clipboard up and start taking down names ages and numbers, I send people who are going to wait for a cab to the left and people who are waiting for parents to the right, anyone who is spending the night joins me on stage.
20 minutes later.
I have 12 people spending the night and the rest are slowly filing out to cabs and cars.
"Okay so everyone take a sleeping bag and pillow and follow Keegan. " I say as the people staying the night slowly file into the loft apartment in the back yard. It's a guest house actually but the real estates agent says "loft apartment".
They set up on the various couches and beds and floor area to sleep. By the time everyone is gone and ready for bed it's about 2 am. I yawn as i crawl into bed.

Next morning
I wake up to shouting down stairs, I look to the clock beside me and see it's only 4:30 am. I sigh as I walk down the stairs. I enter the kitchen seeing multiple people all waiting in line by the fridge.
"The fuck is going on down here?" I ask.
"Water. " a petite blonde says, as she holds up a plastic cup.
I figure all of them are rather hungover and need something to cure the headache so I grab the bottle of ibuprofen and distribute two capsules to everyone in line. Taking a water jug out of the fridge and pouring everyone  a cup of water.
Going back to bed soon after.

Very short chapter, I am sorry but I cannot write anymore as I am on a plane to California and I have been up since 2:00 am. Im tired and dizzy. I will update again soon. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Again I'm very sleep deprived and haven't had much food. Sorry if this doesn't make since.
Also if you'd like to make a trailer or cover please contact me as if love to see those.

Lucian, just believe *slow updates*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz