Shower time

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2 days later.
"Lucy, come on!" Ian says as I shake my head at him again. "Why not?"
"Because! We don't film for 2 more days, and I am sooo not spending my last 2 days at some middle of nowhere cottage with you!" I say, pulling my jacket out of his hands.
"Come on, it'll be romantic." He says picking my jacket up off the couch where I'd thrown it.
"I don't want to go!" I say, pulling my jacket out of his hands again.
"Why not?"
"Because Marlene never said it's okay for me and you to date and whatever." I say, sighing and sitting next to my jacket on the couch.
"So what? She'll never know. Come on, I wanted to take you somewhere. Please?" He says, moving my jacket to sit with me. Wrapping his arms around me, snuggling his face in my neck.
"Ugggh! Fine." I say, standing up to pack.
Ian follows me, I enter my room and pull a bag out of my closet. I put it on my bed and open it, packing some shirts and pants.
"Lucy." Ian says, a pair of socks and some underwear.
"Lucy!" A dress
"Lucy." A pair of shoes and a pair of sandals.
"Karen Lucille Hale." Ian says behind me. I finally turn around to him.
"What?" I ask, sitting on my bed.
"It's only two days." He says, standing in front of me. "One night." He says, chuckling at me.
"Pajamas." I say standing up and getting a pair of shorts and a tank top. "I didn't pack to much relax. Okay?" I ask, sitting back down, zipping up my bag.
"Okay, let's go." He says grabbing my bag, and my hand. I smile as he grabs his bag from his room. He leads me down stairs to his car.
2 hours later
"We're here Lucy." He whispers to me, and I hum and sit up. We get out of the car and get our bags. Dragging them to the living room. I look around.
The living room has a sofa and two arm chairs. The tv is huge and the coffee table has some scented pine cones in a wood bowl. I wander down the hall and take the first door to the right, it slides open into the wall, and inside I see a wonderful kitchen. I smile and look at all the black utilities and white cabinets.
I continue to look around the small house, all the rooms are black and white themed. I then open the last door, and I gasp loudly.
I look in to see a baby room, it's a soft bluish green and it has all the things for a baby. Little stuffed animals and toys. I choke on tears and run back to the living room to see Ian.
"The nursery." I say wrapping my jacket closer around my frame.
"It used to be mine. We live here when I was 5 months till I was 2 years old." He says, standing up.
"Oh... I just I didn't know and I thought you put it together and I thought it was sweet, but that you forgot about it." I say, sobbing into his shirt. I feel ridiculous.
"I'm sorry I did forget about it. I hope you like everything else though." He says, pulling me closer to him. I nod and laugh. How could I not like this.
3 hours later
We'd both unpacked in separate rooms and decided to go to the close by town of Ojai to get some food.
"Pizza or salad place?" He asks, pulling into a parking lot that connects the two restaurants.
"Salad." I say, getting out of the car. Walking towards Arnold's salad bar.
"Good choice." He says, following behind. Wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I lean into him as we walk.
When we get into the restaurant I wait by the sign that says 'Please wait to be seated' in the fancy restaurant font. We wait only a moment before a short woman with a pixie cut that was dyed blue comes over.
"Booth or table?" She asks, grabbing two menus. I look to Ian for him to answer.
"Booth, please." He says, looking at the woman's name tag. I do the same, her name is April.
"Right this way." She says, leading us toward the back of the restaurant, we sit in the third to last booth.
"It's a salad bar with other food at the front so you can get what'd you like." She says, handing us a drink menu, but it only has beer and wine, so I assume we serve our own drinks.
"Well, I'm going to go get food." I say, standing up, walking past Ian.
I look around at the food, I decide on a salad with chickpeas and cucumber and raspberry vinaigrette. I also grab a piece of cheese pizza. As in walking back to the table I pass a table with a couple teenage girls and an older woman who looked to be their grandmother.
"I'm sorry to bother you, you just look exactly like Lucy Hale." One of the girls says, her hair is a light blonde -almost white. Her eyes are a shocking blue and she had some light freckles sprinkled across her face.
"Well, I'm glad I look like myself." I say, chuckling at her face when I finish my sentence.
"Oh-m-ggg!!" She yells as she jumps up from her seat at the table. She grabs a napkin and a pin from her purse, "will you please please please sign this?" She asks, raising the napkin to me. I smile and sign my name and say 'keep trying' on the paper towel before handing it back to her.
"Have a nice night." I say to the group, before heading back to Ian's and my's table. I sit down and wait for Ian to come back.
He has two slices of pizza and some fruit in a bowl, and a soda. I groan as I forgot to get a drink, and Ian chuckles as I go to get a lemonade.
10 minutes into dinner
"Frogs" Ian says
"Princess" I reply, we were playing that game where one person says something and you say the first thing that comes to mind.
"Killer." I say, I'm not sure why it's the first thing that comes to mind. But I don't mind, because Ian's laugh was enough to make me forget what I was doing anyway.
"Finish eating so we can go home and I can show you the shower." He says, and my face burns at how sexual that sounded.
"Ian.." I say shaking my head at him.
"No! Not like that." He says, as he blushes a deep red, and tries to hide his face.
We laugh as we pay our check and hurry out to the car. I watch the woods around us pass as we make the 20 minutes drive back to the cottage. It truly is beautiful out here. When we make it back to the cottage I get out and head straight to my room. I grab the pajamas I packed out of the top drawer where I shoved all my clothes. I meet Ian in his room.
"Where's the bathroom?" I ask, because even though I went through the rooms I don't remember exactly where everything is.
"Oh I'll show you." He says, and I giggle at what happened at the restaurant and how that could sound. 
He leads me through the house to a dark door, when he opens the door I'm in shock, I hadn't even opened this door because I thought it was to a linen closet.
The shower has jets on the walls and the entire ceiling is a shower head and the door slides open. There's a seat in the corner, I push my way into the room and look at Ian.
"This is so cool." I say still in awe.
"Well, you shower I'm going to go find a movie to watch." He says, scratching his neck as he walks away.
I sigh as I turn on the water. Standing by the corner where steam hits my back and the water barely touches me. I sigh as I walk into the stream of water. It's so calming as steam and mist hit me from all sides and the warm water beats down on me. This is the best shower ever.

Thanks for reading!! I'll update hopefully by Friday! Then I have break and I can update everyday -Christmas special anyone?
Should I update at exactly 12:00 am my time on New Years??

Lucian, just believe *slow updates*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang