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2 hours later
We'd gone to Vans and a couple other stores. I look around as we walk down the middle of the stores. I stop and grab Ian's hand, tugging him toward Hot Topic. We enter the store and stressed out by tøp is playing. I look around before deciding to go to the Disney section. I stand there in awe of all the lilo and stitch and little mermaid merchandise they have.
"Can I buy some stuff?" I ask Ian, pulling my wallet out of my purse and look at Ian, we already went shopping. I don't know if he wants to wait me to shop even more.
"Go ahead. I'll look around." He says, as he spots a Rick and Morty hat.
I pick up everything I want and get in the ridiculously long line. I wait for about 20 minutes before it's my turn.
The lady takes 5 minutes to ring everything up and tries to make small talk.
"So, how are you?"
"Good, and you?" I ask back as I look the the pins by the register.
"Fine." I say, I despise small talk. They won't remember who I am by the time the next customer walks up to them.
"I love the little mermaid."  She says, as she folds a shirt and puts it into the bag. I roll my eyes. Why fold them they're just going to get messed up anyway.
"Me too." I say, a bit more snarky than I intended.
She hums in agreement. She finishes scanning everything and tells me my total "40.76" she says to me as she finishes bagging the last of the stuff.
I sigh and hand her a 50$ bill. I take my bags and the change and rush to grab Ian.
I take his hand and drag him out of the small cramped store. He pulls me to slow down as I head toward the car.
"Lucy, what the fucks going on?" He asks me, as I continue toward the car.
"I just hate how cramped hot topics are." I say, as I wait for him to open the car for me to put everything in the back seat with the rest of our bags.
"Okay, well, you ready to get some food and head home?" He asks me, getting in the driver seat. I hum as I turn on the radio and tune it until I find a song I like. I lean back in my seat humming along to Cancer by My Chemical Romance.

I only open my eyes when the car pulls to a stop and the car is shut off. By this time we'd listened to 2 songs. I glare at Ian.
"You can't shut off the car in the middle of 'Trees' it's like against the law or something." I say, shaking my head at him. He scoffs at me and gets out of the car. I look out of the car and see a small coffee shop and some cars. I guess we're eating bagels or whatever. I get out of the car and follow Ian into the shop. We sit at the closest empty table and pull menus off the edge of the table. We scan the menus and I decide I'm going to get a small salad and strawberry lemonade.
Ian gets a stack of blueberry pancakes and coffee. Even though it's 2:03 in the afternoon.
Our food is served and I immediately calculate the calories in my head. 270 total, I don't mean to do that but it just tends to happen. I take a bite before looking at Ian as he scarfs down his pancakes.
I continue to eat slowly and Ian is almost done when the waiter comes back over to the table. He takes a moment to look at Ian's syrup covered face. He's looks like a toddler and I can't help but smile at him as he attempts to clean his face.
"Is the food okay?" The waiter asks, as he pulls some wet wipes out from the pocket in his apron. He hands them to Ian and laughs as I finish chewing.
"It's great." I say, finishing my drink and pulling a wet wipe out of the packaging.
"Do you want more lemonade?" He asks, I hand the wipe to Ian and look at my food.
"No, actually can we just get the check?" I ask, laying my napkin over my food.
He hums and walks to get the check. Ian looks at me and I can instantly see the stern look in his eyes. He's gonna lecture me about food.
"Luce." He starts and before he can go on the waiter comes back with the check and two mints.
"Thank you." I say, laying down a 20 and a 10, I get up and tell him to keep any change.
I don't give Ian a chance to continue his lecture, as I leave the diner and go straight to the car. I realize my fault because I soon understand that Ian has the keys and and we have to ride home together.
I get in the car and immediately buckle in. When Ian starts the car I turn on the radio and try to ignore the tension.
20 minutes later.
Ian finally builds up the nerve to talk to me about the diner and turns down the radio. He sighs as he pulls into a gas station.
He turns to me as he turns off the car. I roll my eyes as I look behind him to see we've parked in front of the store.
"Luce. Please." He says as I fidget with my seatbelt. "You have to think about it. You have to see where I'm coming from." He says, shaking his head as I unbuckle. "Please. Just go in there and buy something to snack on for both of us. I'll fill up the car with gas." He says handing me a twenty. I roll my eyes and get out of the car as he drives to the gas pump. I walk into the shop and grab a bag of chocolate chip cookie chunks and a blueberry muffin. I also grab a Coke Zero to drink and head to the cash register to pay.
I put all my stuff up and look at the cashier I smile at the younger boy working as he checks out my food and stuff.
"Are you Lucy Hale?" He asks, putting everything in a bag.
"Yeah." I say, blushing slightly as I hand him the bill.
"My little sister loves the show." He says, taking the bill and putting it in the register. He quickly grabs the 2 dollars change but doesn't give it to me.
"Great!" I say, slightly confuse to why he isn't giving me the money.
"I have a pretty huge crush on you." He says to me as he walks around the counter with the change.
"Oh..." I say feeling a little uncomfortable with his proximity.
"Can I get a picture of you maybe kissing me?"  He says as he pulls out his phone.
"Umm sure." I say, standing on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.
"I was thinking on the lips." He says, I sigh and shake my head at him as I place my thumb over his lips and stand on my tippy toes to "kiss" him.  (AN// that's how- if you meet famous people- they 'kiss' you) he quickly takes the photo and I grab the change and my bag. I leave the store and run straight into Ian.
I'm so late with this. But here it is. Bye.

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