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It'd been two hours of watching tv and Ian still hasn't come down stairs. I should've gone grocery shopping or something instead of just waiting for him. I look around the living room for something to do, I decide to take a nap, and I lay down on the couch, and of course just as i close my eyes, I'm forced to open them again. I open them to see Ian standing in the doorway watching me. I hum to let him know I see him.
"Hey, you ready to go?" I ask, standing up from the couch. Walking to the ktchen to get a water.
"Yeah, where exactly are we going, anyway?" He asks, joining me in the kitchen.
" Don't worry, we're just taking a walk." I say, grabbing his hand, pulling him out of the house. I don't start talking till we've left the private driveway leading to the house. "Okay, so I know we kinda ended it. But like..." I say, but I didn't plan what I was going to say so I don't know how to continue.
"Lucy?" He asks me, as he stops walking. I keep walking because I don't want to face him until I've said what I need to.
"I love you, Ian. I can't keep living in the room next to you and not be with you. Because, life is short and I  don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, but I do know I want to spend it with you." I say, turning around to face him. I don't know where that all came from, but i know that's what I needed to say. Ian opens his mouth and looks at me before shaking his head at me.
"Lucy..." He says, looking at his hands, looking back at me. Finally I shake my head at him after a full minute of complete silence. I push past him and head to the local park.
Keegan's Pov (shocker i know)
I finally peel myself out of bed around 10, i rub my eyes and groan. I put on a pair of black basketball shorts and a dark grey tee-shirt. I walk downstairs and get a water from the fridge before taking a seat in the back yard. I look up to Ian as he strips his shirt off and jumps into the pool in his basketball shorts. He look's like he'd been crying, I take off my shirt and get in the pool with him.
"WHat's going on dude?" I ask, getting my hair wet.
"Lucy just said she loves me and I didn't say it back. " He says, I can clearly hear the pain in his voice.
"What the hell, dude!?" I yell at him, pushing his shoulders.
"I don't know! I just froze, she's gone through so much! What if she doesn't mean it?" He yells, he looks so pained and like he can't understand how she could possibly be in love with him.
"She wouldn't say that if she didn't mean it!" I yell, I'm looking at him, I can see the pain in his eyes.
"Of course she means it! You've been there for her through everything!" I hear Troian yell behind me.
"I left her! I left her to deal with everything, alone! I didn't do what I was supposed  to!" he yells, his face dropping at his realization. And so does mine, he left her when she truly needed him, when she was pregnant and needed someone to take care of her, he did leave her.
"But you came back, and she needed you to come back. You know you did the right thing, maybe not at first, but eventually. " I say, pulling him into a hug.
"She loves you but do you love her?" Troian asks, sitting herself down next to the pool's edge,
"I do." He says as he pulls away from our hug. A small smile on his face, he looks like he's made up his mind. He's going to tell her he loves her.
And I'm not upset, like I thought I would be when this happened, I used to like Lucy, as more than a friend, I did for years. Or at least I thought I did, but now I know that's just because I wanted someone. I wanted to love someone.
Lucy's pov
I look around the small park, it's filled with kids and mothers who watch their children play. I take a seat next to a mother watching her small girl do cartwheels. She looks over at me and smiles.
I smile back, because I don't want to seem rude.
"Which ones yours?" She asks me as I look out over the playground.
"Actually, mine aren't here." I say, looking at her, and I'm not lying. My babies aren't here. They're somewhere else.
"Really? Does dad have them?" She asks raising her eyebrows at me.
"Kinda." I say, and I can see the confusion on her face.
"Hmm." She hums in reply. I know she doesn't want to push, but I also know she wants answers.
"I was pregnant with twins, but ummm... that plan didn't work out." I say, looking down. I can feel her tense beside me. And I know she's going to say something about how sorry she is.
"Maybe it's for the best. I lost a baby before having this one." She says, looking to her daughter who's now getting pushed on the swings by a younger boy.
"Yeah... maybe." I say, looking at her and for once I'm happy to have talked about my miscarriage. I say goodbye to the nice woman and head back to my house.
When I open the door I'm greeted by rose petals leading down the hallway. I look around for anyone, to give me any clues. I sigh and drop my bag and take off my shoes, only now seeing the card by the door. I pick it up and read it
"Lucy, I hope everything is done by the time you get home. If you wish, follow the rose petals to where they lead. -I"
I chuckle as I set down the card and follow the rose petals to my room. I look into Ian's room and see no one. I smile to myself before opening the door. I see my bed first, covered in rose petals and white lilies. I gasp and walk into my room, stopping when I see candles around the perimeter of my room, and leading out onto my balcony. I choke back tears and follow the candles to the balcony. I look for Ian but can't find him.
"Lucy, I know this isn't fairytale perfect. But I needed to tell you!" I hear from below me, I look down to see Ian, in a full out tuxedo. I feel a tear slip down my cheek. "I'm down here so that if you want to hit me you can't get to me as fast." He says, and I giggle. "Earlier you told me you love me, and I didn't reply. Because I was scared, I left you when you needed me, I hurt you. And I didn't know if I trusted myself enough to be close to you and not hurt you." He says as I cross my arms, "You've been through so much, and you don't deserve any more pain. But I'm willing to take a chance if you are." He says as I start to cry. "Because I love you Karen Lucille Hale! I always have and I-" I cut him off by leaving the balcony, I run down the stairs as fast as I can't and out the back door.
I don't care that I'm in my socks or that I look like a mess with tears running down my face. All I care about is Ian, and that he said he loves me. I jump into his arms, as he stumbles back.
"I love you. I am in love with you Lucy Hale." He says into my ear. I pull back from him and he sets me down.
"And I'm in love with you Ian Harding." I say, before pulling him into a kiss.
And as if the moment weren't already perfect it starts to rain. We pull apart and look up, before he pulls me into another kiss.
I'm truly happy, even if we did have to go through everything today before this.

I had this done last night but waited to update it. So here you go!!!
Hope you like it.

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