I Just Know

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Mae's pov

My eyes widened and I sat upright before looking back down at my notebook. I didn't say anything as I went back to sketching a picture of the prison I was drawing hoping that he would just go away. I heard him sigh and his footsteps reach my bedside until my mattress sank a little behind telling me he sat down. I tried to focus on my drawing, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. My eyes were becoming too blurry from tears I was fighting off and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt his eyes burning into my back. Slowly I closed my notebook and starred at the wall emotionless.

"It was a mistake" Daryl's voice replayed in my head.

Clenching my eyes shut, I flinched when I felt my hair being moved over my shoulder exposing my neck. Then I felt daryl start to rub my arms and my back. I instantly became relaxed and almost fell into his touch. Normally I would never let anyone near my back, but daryl knows. I wasn't ashamed of my scars with daryl around. I felt a tear slip down my cheek,

"What you doing?"

"Checking for scratches." He whispered back.

As his hands moved around my back, I let out a deep breath and had to keep myself from moaning. Then as quick as he started, he stopped causing me to almost whimper. I turned to face him slowly, still avoiding eye contact.

"You think we'll be safe here?" I whispered.

"Safer than we were out there" he said.

I nodded and chuckled half heartedly, "it's funny to think my dad had been behind bars for years and now I've landed in the same place."

"But not for the same reasons" he said sternly.

"I'm not so sure about that" I whispered.

I snuck a glance up at daryl who was looking at me confused as I sighed,"my dad was put in here because he was a monster. This world is changing. I'm changing. I'm becoming a monster."

I wiped a stray tear falling down my face as his hand gently lifted my chin forcing me to look at him. He looked at me sternly,

"That ain't the same and you know it ain't"

I fought every urge I had to wrap my arms around him and cry into his chest. I took my chin from his grasp and shook my head,

"It is"

"It's not. Don't be goin and thinkin that for one second" he growled.

"Why do you care daryl?" I whispered turning from him.

I heard him sigh and then he said,"cause it wasn't a mistake"

I gasped and turned back to him,"what?"

He chewed his thumbnail nervously and then looked down to his hands," what I said earlier wasn't a mistake."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yea...ain't ever said that to no one before, thought you wouldn't want me anymore" he whispered.

"I'm always going to feel the way I feel about you daryl. That's not going to change" I whispered.

"How you know that?" He grunted.

Flashback 16 year old Mae.

Officer grimes led me out of the courthouse after my fathers sentencing. He was sentenced to 10 years behind bars. I felt emotionless as I starred outside. The streets of Georgia seemed to be a place I didn't recognize. It seemed completely different. The wind blew through my hair as I starred at the car waiting for me.

"What happens now?" I asked in monotone.

"You get to start over" he said placing a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up to him and he smiled,"you're finally free Mae."

I shook my head,"I'll never be free"

"One day, you're gonna find a man that is going to treat you right. Who's going to make you feel safe and protected. Someone you can let your guard down and trust" he smiled.

I shook my head,"I don't think so"

"I do and I bet he's out there right now lookin for you" he said confidently.

"It's a nice thought officer grimes, but ain't no one going to be looking for me" I said.

" he is and when it happens, I can't wait to be able to watch" he said.

"Watch what?" I asked.

"You fall in love" he smiled.

"How will I know when that happens?" I asked.

"Trust me you'll know" he smiled

Flashback over

"I just do" I smiled.

He smiled lightly at me and leaned in giving me a soft kiss. We broke apart when someone cleared their throat. Turning we see a smirking Georgie crossing her arms across her chest leaning against the cell door. Daryl rolled his eyes and groaned as I chuckled.

"I see everything's all hunky dory then?" She smirked.

"Girl you best shut yer mouth before I shut it for you" daryl growled causing me to chuckle and lean my head on his shoulder.

Georgie raised her hands in surrender and said,"alright dang, just came up here to tell ya Rick needs you guys"

"Alright we'll be right there" I smiled.

"Alright see ya later love birds!" She sang as she walked away causing daryl to growl.

I chuckled and stood up offering my hand to help him up. He took it and stood up.

"You know she only messes with you cause she likes ya" I smiled.

"Annoyin little shit" he grunted as we started walking hand and hand out of the cell towards the group.

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