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The next day came quicker than I wanted it to. I didn't really sleep last night, I had too much on my mind, Daryl's words kept repeating all night,

"It was a mistake"

My eyes clenched every time I heard that as I nervously played with the necklace Tdog gave me as we got ready to take the prison. Officer grimes was explaining how we were going about doing this, but my mind was elsewhere.

"It was a mistake"

I clenched my eyes and shook my head slightly avoiding eye contact with the redneck across from me. I knew I should be listening to officer grimes, but I just couldn't seem to focus.

"You should've known it was a mistake. You really think someone is capable of loving you?" A different voice rang through my ears. My father.

I cringed. Ever since daryl and I haven't been on the best terms, my dads voices returned. My scars burned some nights. It was like I was back at his disposal.

"No way. She ain't goin" daryl said awakening me from my thoughts as I now listened knowing this was probably about me.

"What?" I asked.

Officer grimes and daryl both looked at me.

"Mae did you hear a word I just said?" Officer grimes asked.

I dropped my head to the ground silently and shook my head,"no"

I heard him sigh and then daryl growled,"see she ain't thinkin straight, she's not goin in there when it can be filled of walkers and get herself killed."

"Hey! I can take care of myself. Sure I may have just zoned out a minute but I can do this, you've barely talked to me since we got here so you don't get to go deciding what I can and cannot do. Whatever it is officer grimes, I'm in." I said determinedly and stormed off to the fence.

About 5 minutes later, I was joined by officer grimes, daryl, tdog, Glenn, and Maggie. We were gonna push inwards while the others distracted the walkers. We made rank which conveniently put me in the back with daryl and tdog. Before the gate was opened daryl whispered down,

"You stay by me"

I rolled my eyes as the gate door screeched open and we all ran in killing everything in sight. We really tried not to break the rank but it happened because there was way too many. I slammed a walker up against the building and put my machete through its skull, only to be grabbed and forcefully pushed against the same wall by another walker. I fought to try to get my arms up to kill it, but he had me pinned. I was squirming and whimpering as I failed at any attempt to save myself. As it's teeth drew closer to my neck, I closed my eyes awaiting impact, but it never came. Instead I opened my eyes and saw the walker dead infront of me with a steaming daryl behind it with his crossbow aimed. I was breathing heavily as he stormed up to me,

"You bit?"

I shook my head as he glared at me,"told you to stay by me"

Calming myself down immediately, I was about to snap back at him when we heard officer grimes yell,


Our heads snapped in his direction to see walkers surrounding him. We quickly ran and daryl pulled the one off of him and killed it as I killed the one behind it. I watched as daryl offered officer grimes his hand to help up and pulled him out of the rubble and shared a nod. I smiled at the new found friendship I knew would blossom between the two sooner or later. Quickly coming back into reality officer grimes shut the other gait when we realized all was silent. Looking around, we regrouped and noticed we had killed them all. Even the ones with the face shields.

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