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Mae's pov

I sat there still shaking in my grandpa's arms as I watched Daryl storm away. Why did he get so mad at t dog? It was an accident. I sighed and moved away from my grandpa.

"I'm going to go talk to him." I smiled.

"You sure you're ok?" Mom asked.

I smiled at her and nodded as I ran to catch up with Daryl. Damn he walks fast. I finally saw him over by his tent.

"Hey!" I said running up to him.

He looked up, rolled his eyes and grunted, "what you want?"

"Umm I just wanted to thank you...for umm back there" I whispered.

He grunted again,"maybe if you were more careful wouldn't have needed it."

"I know" I whispered.

"Damn stupid of ya, shit like that gets ya killed and I don't need to go around saving some dumb ass damsel in distress all the time" he glared.

This pissed me off," alright jackass for starters I'm not a dumb ass and sure as hell am not no damsel in distress. I've taken care of my family just fine before you all came along and it's not my fault I never learned to swim, no one ever taught me!"

"Yeah ya took care of yer family real fine while ya starved yerself to death! Face it yer just another mouth to feed!" He gritted.

"You know what? I take it back thanking you you dumb redneck" I stormed away and didn't look back.

I didn't make it far with my clothes feeling like they were 50lbs heavier because of how wet they were. My lack of food and rest wasn't helping much either. I decided to try to calm down before I went back to camp and sat down on a large rock I had found. I thought Daryl was different from his brother, but I guess I was wrong. Wouldn't be the first time I misjudged a man. Wiping water from my face and ringing my hair out, I heard footsteps approaching. I gripped onto my knife and turned. Sighing at the sight of Merle Dixon standing infront of me. He was the last person I wanted to see. Rolling my eyes I said,

"What do you want Merle?"

"Calm down sugar tits I come in peace" he smirked.

Rolling my eyes, I sat back down on the rock as I heard his footsteps approaching. Growling, I didn't want him anywhere around me. He stopped and sat down right next to me causing me to flinch and scoot away from him making him chuckle.

"You and my brother have a little spat?" He smirked.

Rolling my eyes I didn't say anything only causing him to chuckle again,"ya know ya look terrible girl"

"Was there something you needed?" I asked annoyed.

"woah woah calm down. Just wanted some company" he said.

"You're not getting any of mine" I growled starting to get up.

I began walking away when he said,"I know why ya where the sweatshirt"

I halted to a complete stop. My body became frozen as I heard him chuckle and stand up.

"The reason why ya flinch when anyone comes near ya or even touches ya. The reason why you won't tell people ya love em after they say it to ya. The reason you wear nothin but long sleeve shirts." He said as he walked closer to me.

I turned hesitantly with tears ticketing my eyes. He was right infront of me now as I gulped. Merle's smirk turned into all seriousness,

"Me and you ain't much different girly. We're the same"

This confused me, but suddenly realization hit me. Had he seen my scars? How would he know? He would only know If something like this happened to.....my eyes widened and he smirked, walking away. I watched him walk back to camp as I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. He knew. Did Daryl know?  Later that day, some of the camp were going on a run into the city. I hugged T dog before he left and then went to help the other women wash clothes.

"So what do you miss most before all of this?" Lori asked.

"I miss tv" mom sighed.

"My stereo" I said.

"My vibrator" Andrea laughed.

We all started laughing and then Carol's husband Ed came over. I never liked Ed. In a way he reminded me of my father and I hated it.

"Y'all need to stop laughing and get to working." He glared.

The women started yelling at him and then he tried to pull Carol away. This pissed me off. I saw the same fear in her eyes that I had every time dad even talked to me. I wouldn't let what happened to me continue happening to her, especially Sophia. I stormed up and pushed Carol behind me as I slapped Ed right across the face. The women gasped and Ed turned to me smiling evily. It kinda creeped me out to be honest. I continued to glare back when a fist made contact with my face, sending me to the ground. My mom screamed and then Shane tackled Ed as the women checked on me. I was holding my face, but I refused to show any tears. He couldn't see weakness and I was use to hiding the pain. I quickly ran back to the camp and into the rv to check on my face. I looked in the mirror....yeah that would leave a mark. I sighed and then heard yelling outside. It sounded like Carl. I quickly ran out and saw Carl and Lori running into the arms of a man in a sheriffs outfit. I saw the cars from our group. They were back. I looked around quickly and T dog saw me. I smiled and he ran up and hugged me. I hugged back and the man that Carl ran to was introducing himself to everyone. I walked by my family and then the sheriff came to us. I gasped when I realized who it was. He stook his hand out for me to shake. He hadn't looked at us yet.

"Officer Grimes?" I gasped.

He looked up at me and his eyes got wide and he smiled, "we'll if it isn't miss Mae Roesch all grown up"

I smiled and he hugged me,"I'm so happy you are ok"

"You too" I smiled.

My mom came up and hugged him, along with my grandpa. I was so happy atleast one man that had been there for me was alive. Officer Grimes came back to me and asked,

"Where'd ya get that bruise?"

I quickly looked down to the ground trying to hide it. I didn't want to answer any questions. Officer Grimes and I had already been though this before.

"I ummm fell." I stuttered

"Mae don't give me that. I've known you long enough and you've given me that excuse before and I knew it was lie so what happened?" He said sternly.

"Hey Rick! So what are we going to do about daryl?" T dog asked.

I took a big sigh of relief hoping he would change the subject, but why did he need Daryl? What happened to him? My heart rate sped up as I looked round and saw no Merle. Did he get killed in the city? Oh was Daryl going to be pissed.

Officer Grimes sighed,"don't think we are finished here. I want to know what happened." he said and turned to walk with Shane and the others.

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