I hit Her

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Ricks pov

I slowly turned back to Shane who was readjusting the cold wash cloth against his swollen cheek. Patricia must've been in here earlier because Shane now had stitches under his left eye.

"Guess I got on the wrong end of an angry redneck" he joked.

Clenching my fists to the side I said,"yea.....you did"

I could tell he sensed the anger in my voice as he quickly changed the subject,

"Ya wanna tell me bout the boy you brought back?"

"His names Randall" I said crossing the room until I was standing in front of him.

"Why'd you bring him back here?" He asked.

Pulling up a chair, I sat myself across from him,"couldn't just leave him behind. He would've bled out, if he lived that long. It's gotten bad in town."

" What we gonna do with him?" He asked.

"When he's on his feet, we give him a canteen, take him out to the main road, send him on his way." I said trying to control my anger.

"Just gonna let him go? He knows where we are." He growled.

"He was blindfolded the whole way here. He's not a threat." I said sternly growing more agitated.

"Not a threat? How many of them were there? You killed three of their men, you took one of them hostage, but they just ain't gonna come looking?" He huffed.

"They left him for dead. No one is looking. We'll post a guard. He's out cold right now, will be for hours." I said.

Shane rolled his eyes and huffed annoyingly as he stood up,"You know what? I'm gonna go get him some flowers and candy. Cause it looks like We back in fantasy land."

I stood up and got in his face as my anger only sky rocketed from there,"you wanna talk about what you did with Mae?"

His face stiffened and his eyes grew wide as I decided I couldn't control my anger any longer,"she was hurt and you just left her there!"

Shane sighed and sat back down as I starred down at him breathing heavily,"why?"

He ignored me and I gripped onto the arms of the chair angrily,"I asked you a question!"

"Cause of the baby man!" Shane yelled.

I starred wildly into Shane's eyes as he growled,"getting her back and making sure that baby was ok was my main concern!"

Snapping away from him, I turned towards the door as I ran a hand over my face trying to calm down as he yelled,

"Hell man I did it for you! I made sure your wife and your unborn child lived!"

I snapped back around angrily,"you think I really believe you did that for me? The old Shane yea. This Shane? No way in hell."

"Im still the same guy man! Plus daryl got to her so I don't really see the problem!" He growled.

"Oh yea? And what if daryl hadn't shown up? She was almost dead when she got back. My son is giving her blood!" I growled.

"Maybe I was doin her a favor!" He yelled.

My breathing was heavy as I starred at him wildly,"what did you just say?"

"Mae don't belong in this world! She'll never make it! This world is made for survivors! The weak don't survive in this! She's just gonna get torn apart..." Hey yelled, but before he could finish I found my fist colliding with his face throwing him on the ground.

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