Don't you Die on Me

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Mae's pov

My head pounded and felt like it was about to fall off. My whole body felt like it was on fire and I was having a hard time moving any of it. Finally forcing my eyes to open and my vision became clear did my heart begin to pound. I was upside down, being held in by my seat belt and under me was a puddle of blood and I don't think it was a walkers. I felt extremely dizzy and I could see the blood pouring from my head right into that puddle. I had lost a lot. My eyes searched everywhere in the dark car as memories flooded back to me. Lori and I were in a crash....wait...Lori!? Where is she? Trying to unbuckle the seatbelt, my whole body ached and screamed as I was having trouble.

"Lori!" My voice screeched.

I didn't hear a response so my worries grew larger. Struggling, I finally got the seatbelt unhooked and I fell straight down into the puddle of my blood as I groaned in pain. My breathing was heavy as I gasped for air, but I had to find Lori. Crawling painfully through the shattered glass of the busted window,I finally made it out into the cool night air. Every bone in my body was aching and my head felt a million pounds. Struggling to stand, I lent against the car as I looked around trying to spot Lori. Seeing a walker with his face bashed in made me feel better knowing she at least killed one.

"Lori?" I cried out as a pain went through my abdomen causing me to yelp.

Lifting my shirt a little, I confirmed that my stitches had been ripped open. Whimpering and crying to myself, I tried to see where I was but nothing looked familiar. I didn't know how far I was to the farm and I could barely breathe just standing here. There was no way I was going to make it back. This is where I would die. Groaning and gripping onto my side tighter, I sunk down to the floor and whimpered. I've gone though a lot in my life, but nothing ever amounted to this type of pain. If daryl hadn't taken my gun, I could've ended it right here so it would all be over. My death was going to be slow and painful just like I deserved. My vision started becoming blurry again as my breaths grew heavier. This was it and I knew it. I could only hope that Lori somehow made it to safety. I hope officer grimes and his whole family beats this world. I hope tdog never quits trying to make people smile. Most importantly I hope daryl realizes I didn't mean one damn word I said to him when we fought. He's nothing like my father and I hope he knew it. I had that smack coming and I don't blame him at all. Feeling tears spilling from my eyes I jumped when I heard a voice.

"Well look what we have here. You hurt little lady?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

Forcing my eyes to stay open, I tried to focus on now who was in front of me. My vision was blurry, but when it finally came to I saw a man about the same age as me standing above me smirking sadistically.

"You out here alone beautiful?" I heard him kneel down so his face was inches from mine.

Completely turning my head in disgust from the man, I knew what his intentions were and I was too hurt to stop it. The man placed his head against the side of my cheek and breathed in deeply,

"Yea you'll do quite nicely. Take ya back to camp get ya all fixed up. The guys like a new piece of ass ever now in then. Rare thing to find now a days."

I whimpered in disgust at the mans comments and I began to shake.

"Aww baby don't be scared. We gonna take real good care of you I promise."he whispered as I felt his hand trace my upper thigh.

"Please don't" I whimpered.

"Don't what baby girl? I ain't gonna hurt me" he smiled.

I started crying as the man continued to feel me up. I whimpered and protested but the man didn't stop. Closing my eyes I wished for the one person I wanted here more than ever,

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