Hey Killer

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Mae's Pov

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. I quickly sat up and looked around. I was on a couch in what looked like an rv. I tried to remember what happened, but it was all a bit fuzzy.  Alright me, mom, and grandpa ran Into survivors....wait. Mom?! Grandpa?! Where were they!? I started getting very worried until I heard an unfamiliar voice,

"Look who's finally up"

I quickly turned and saw a black man with a shaved head that I didn't recognize. I quickly took my knife from my boot and pinned the man up against the wall with my knife on his neck. He raised his hands in surrender and said,

"Woah... woah I'm not going to hurt you"

l glared into his fearful eyes and growled," Where is my family."

"Outside. You passed out and 2 of ours brought you and your family back here for some help." He breathed heavy.

I starred into his eyes looking for any sign he could be lying to me. There was none. I took my knife off his throat and backed away from him. He took a deep breath and rubbed his neck. I kinda felt bad. Then the door to the rv opened again and in walked another man,

"I'm glad to see you're up, I'm Shane."

He extended his hand out to me. I looked over the man, he seemed familiar but I couldn't pin point as to where. I hesitantly shook his hand and said,


He smiled,"let me take you to your family. They've been worried sick about you."

This made me smile and I nodded following him out of the rv. I walked to the outside and saw they had a pretty decent amount of people. They even had 2 kids. A boy and a girl running around. They all smiled at me and I gave a hesitant one back until I saw my mom with another woman hanging up clothes. I quickly ran past Shane and hugged onto her. She was startled at first and then hugged back equally as tight. She pulled away from the hug and whispered,

"Thank god"

I smiled at her and then to the woman next to her.

"Mae this is Lori, Lori this is my daughter Mae." Mom introduced.

I smiled at her and she smiled back,"it's very nice to finally meet you."

"you too" I smiled.

Then one of the kids, the boy, ran up to Lori and asked,"Mom can Sophia and I go swimming in the creek?"

"If you take someone with you. Mae this is my son Carl. Carl this is Mae." She said.

The boy looked up to me and smiled and I smiled back,"hi Carl"

"Hi! Would you like to come swimming with me and my friend Sophia?" He asked hopeful.

My smile turned to a frown,"I can't"

"Why not?" He asked.

"I can't swim" I whispered.

"You don't know how to swim?" He chuckled,"My dad taught me, why didn't your dad teach you?"

I cringed and Lori noticed," Carl!"

He quickly stopped seeing he drew the line and I felt my mom put a hand on my shoulder. I saw Carl's expression change to a frown. I quickly smiled and said,

"But I'll go down with you so you two can swim"

He smiled and hugged my legs which startled me at first,"thank you!"

I smiled and said," you're welcome"

He ran off to get the little girl and I saw the man that was in the rv with me. I decided to walk over and try to apologize.

"Hey" I whispered.

"Hey killer" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes,"ya I'm sorry about that."

"It's alright I understand. I'm Theodore by the the way, but everyone calls me t dog." He smiled.

"Mae." I smiled. "So umm I'm about to go down to the creek with the kids. Wanna come with?"

"Sure!" He smiled and we began walking to the creek with the kids.

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