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Mae's pov

"You alone?" I asked her causing her smile to immediately turn to a frown,

"Yea" she whispered, "my parents died at the beginning of all this. I had 3 brothers and 1 sister but we got separated when our camp was over run"

"Oh I'm sorry" I whispered.

"It's ok" she said nervously shuffling her feet," I take it you're alone too?"

"No...I have a group, but we kind of got separated." I said feeling like my stomach dropped realizing I may never see them again.

I adjusted my backpack on my back awkwardly as she sighed, "I'm sorry about that...I may not be the perfect choice of an ally. I can't hunt, but I can scavenge. I've got a lot of canned goods back at my tent. I can kill walkers so you're more than welcome to stay with me."

I smiled at the young girl, "that's extremely generous, but I have to find my group"

"I understand" she whispered sadly.

I looked at her disappointed expression as she started to walk off before I stopped her, "hey!"

She turned back to me as I smiled," I have a pretty good idea where they'll be, at least I'm hoping they'll be where I think they will. I want you to come with me."

Her eyes widened, "really?"

"Of course. You saved my life Georgie. It's the least I could do." I smiled.

"Ok! Do you mind if we grab my things first?" She asked as I nodded and we started off towards her camp.

We walked in silence for a while. I kept my hand gripping on my knife just in case this girl was tricking me, but I had a good feeling she wasn't.

"What if your group doesn't like me?" She asked breaking the silence.

"You'll get along great. Plus there's another kid about your age too" I said.

"Really?!" She exclaimed excitedly.

I nodded and we continued walking until we came to an open area with a small tent in the middle of it. I watched as she disappeared into it and came out a few moments later with a couple bags. Two of the four bags she carried, filled with canned foods. My eyes widened at the abundance she had as she chuckled,

"Told ya...I'm a good scavenger."

"The greatest!" I exclaimed and slung one of the bags over my other shoulder while holding the other.

We started walking again until she asked, "so where are we going?"

"Towards the highway. There's a specific place where something happened that each group member knows. It's the only real landmark we all should know so I'm hoping they are there." I sighed while whipping the sweat off my forehead.

"And what if they aren't there?" She asked.

I felt my stomach drop again as I thought of that possibility, if the group wasn't there than I had no idea where to go. Daryl, officer grimes, tdog would be gone for good. I'd never see them again.

"I don't know" I whispered sadly.

I felt her eyes on me and jumped when I felt a small hand connect with mine. I looked down startled and saw her smiling up at me,

"They'll be will see them again"

I squeezed her hand tightly in mine," I hope you're right"

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