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I felt like I couldn't breathe as I jumped out of daryl's arms. My whole body overwhelmed with a feeling I had never known before. It was like a mixture of electricity, fire, and feeling like I was going to puke. Daryl just starred at me with an expression I could only guess was shock and panic. Shocked that he said those 3 words and panic at my expression. Daryl dixon loved me. He said he loved me. Did I love him? I never really known what love felt like, but with daryl he made me feel things I never have before. Made me feel safe and wanting to constantly be in his arms. I couldn't sleep without knowing he was ok and I couldn't breathe if he was hurt. Maybe I do love him? That's how love was explained in all my books I use to read, but I never once thought I'd experience it. Wow, I'm in love. I love Daryl Dixon. I starred widely at the man across from me as regret filled his eyes.

"I...." I tried to say but couldn't get it out.

Hell I couldn't even tell my grandpa or my mom I loved them before they died. It was like those three words weren't in my vocabulary. Like I was physically not able to say them.

"I...." I tried again but failed.

Daryl adverted his hurt eyes to the ground and shook his head. My heart started pounding rapidly as I started to panic. I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't.

"Daryl..." I started to say but was cut off by people cheering.

Looking over the railing I saw the group storming the field with huge grins. Some were dancing and skipping happily. I smiled when I saw Georgie and Carl hugging each other tightly jumping up and down in joy. Officer grimes shielded the sun from his eyes with his hand as he looked up at us and signaled for us to come down. I smiled lightly and then turned back to daryl who still avoided eye contact. Before I could say anything, he cut me off and said,

"Cmon, lets go"

He turned and walked down the stairs leaving me to watch after him feeling like my breath was knocked from me. My lips started to tremble as it felt like every step away from me that he walked, shattered my heart. Wiping the tears out of my eyes, I took a deep breath and started down after him. As I entered the yard, I was immediately tackled into a hug by Georgie. I wrapped my arms tightly around her, but kept my eyes on daryl who started walking the gate. All day and into the night daryl avoided me like the plague. Now it was getting late and we all were now around a fire. Officer grimes was checking the fences while daryl offered to take watch...no surprise. I sighed as I watched him pace back and forth on an upturned bus. I jumped when someone cleared their throat. Looking up from where I was sitting, I saw Georgie smirking down at me with two bowls of food in her hands. I ran a hand through my hair as she handed me a bowl and plopped down next to me. I sighed and looked back over towards daryl.

"Trouble in paradise?" She asked.

I looked back at her,"something like that"

Daryl's voice kept replaying in my voice when he told me he loved me. I also keep seeing his face when I didn't say it back and that killed me.

"Hey..." Georgie nudged my shoulder,"you ok?"

"I don't know" I whispered.

"C'mon it can't be that bad" she asked.

I looked back at daryl and shook my head,"it might be"

She smiled reassuringly as we started to eat the meat that was cooked.

"Mmmm... Just like mom used to make." Glenn joked.

"Tomorrow, we'll put all the bodies together. We want to keep them away from that water. Now, if we can dig a canal under the fence, we'll uh have plenty of fresh water." Tdog said.

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