Told you

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Rick's pov

It's been a long night. Herschel kept saying that I needed to rest, but I honestly couldn't stop pacing back and forth. Deciding to give daryl his time with her, I walked downstairs to check on Carl. I assume the rest of the group would get here tomorrow. Hearing voices come from the kitchen, I rounded the corner and saw Carl with Herschel's two daughters. For the first time since we lost Sophia, Carl was actually laughing. Leaning against the doorway, they all turned towards me. Carl smiled and ran over to me,

"Is Mae gonna be alright?"

Forcing a smile to my face, I rested an arm on his shoulder,"I sure hope so"

"Can I see her?" He asked.

"Let's let her rest tonight, then you can see her in the morning ok?" I asked.

He nodded and ran into the living room. I felt seriously drained, like the doorway was holding me up. Herschel's oldest daughter Maggie walked over to me with a plate of food,

"Here ya need to eat. Keep your strength up"

Nodding, I took the plate and started eating. It started making me feel better, but then I remembered daryl upstairs. As I finished, I walked over to Maggie and Beth,

"Umm do you have anymore? Daryl....I'm sure he hasn't eaten in days"

"Of course" Beth smiled and made a plate handing it to me.

Nodding in thanks, I made my way upstairs and into Mae's room. Daryl still sat in the same place he's been since he got there. He hasn't let go of her hand nor looked anywhere other than her. He hadn't even noticed that I was standing there yet. Clearing my throat, he whipped his head in my direction. Glancing down at the plate of food and then back to him I sighed,

"Brought ya something to eat" I started walking into the room.

"Ain't hungry" he grunted.

Sighing, I set the plate down on the nightstand next to her bed and sat in the chair across from him on the other side of her. He looked over at Mae with what looked like a hint of uncertainty in his eyes.

"He'll make it back." I said.

Daryl just grunted, but didn't say anything.

"you need to eat. Mae's gonna be all right.You've got to keep your strength up." I said.

Daryl's pov

About an hour later, Herschel was checkin on Mae again as I stood by Rick carefully watching every move the old man made. I still hadn't eaten the food he brought me. For some reason, I wasn't hungry. I felt like if I ate, I would've thrown it back up. We were all brought to a stop when Tdog and Glenn busted into the room. T was sweating and his arm looked worse than before, but it seemed like none of that mattered when he saw Mae. Worry filled his eyes.

"Hey. Hey. Um, we're here, okay?" Glenn stuttered.

I just grunted and rolled my eyes as Rick said,"Thank you."

" Whatever you need." He smiled.

"Is she gonna be alright? What's goin on?" T asked.

"Huntin accident" I grunted.

"She's gonna live right doc? You can fix this right?" He desperately asked Herschel.

Herschel sighed and took his stethoscope out of his ears,"I'm gonna do everything I can. Now by the look of that arm, you need to get some antibiotics. Patricia can help you with that."

T didn't move, just kept starring at Mae worriedly.

"Hey" I grunted.

His eyes met mine immediately. Sure I didn't really like the guy cause every time Mae has been around him, something bad has happened. Plus he dropped the key that kept my brother in the damn roof. But I guess in a way, he was Mae's best friend.

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