Best Friend

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Third person pov

Daryl drove at speeds the bike wasn't made for, but he didn't care. All he cared about was the young woman who's life was slipping away every second he drove. Guilt overpowered him. Thinking she could die and the last thing he ever did to her was hit her. He hated himself for that. He honestly thought about killing himself or throwing himself in a herd of walkers for doing that to her. He had every intention of doing just that until he found out she went missing with Lori. Finally arriving at the farm, he pulled up to the porch as everyone greeted him outside. Pushing his kickstand down he immediately gripped Mae tightly and got off the bike, running to the porch. Lori ran out of the house with Carl and Shane behind her as she gasped,

"Oh my god! Is she alive!"

"For now. Is Herschel back?" Daryl asked as he made his way into the house.

Lori, Tdog,carol, and the greenes followed behind him as he ran upstairs to the same room she was in before.

"No they aren't" Maggie sighed.

Daryl's insides felt like they were constricting as he quickly came to a stop and turned towards everyone causing them all to almost trip over one another,

"What the hell you mean he ain't back yet?"

They all starred at him with fearful eyes as Patricia stepped forward,"set her in the room mr. Dixon. I may know how to help her"

Daryl continued to glare at the bunch but nodded and entered the bedroom setting Mae's lifeless body on the bed. Everyone surrounded the bed as they made room for Patricia. She immediately examined the fragile girl.

"Well is she gonna be ok?" T asked impatiently.

"Seems to have broken a few stitches. Maggie hand me the wash cloth" Patricia instructed as she turned her attention to Mae's head.

Maggie handed her he washcloth as Patricia applied pressure to her head wound. Taking the cloth away, the cut immediately poured blood again causing the older woman to sigh,

"She seems to have lost a lot of blood and she's losing more as the times go on."

"What's that mean?" Daryl spat.

"It means she's gonna need another transfusion. Just like she did when the bullet was in her" Patricia said.

"Well what are you waiting for do it!" Daryl growled.

"It's not that simple" Patricia sighed.

"Oh yea? Take some of mine!" Daryl spat sticking his arm out.

"I can't just take anyone's blood daryl. Her blood and the donars have to match or it could kill her." She explained.

"Well who gave it to her last time?" T asked.

"Rick did and seeing he's not here the only one that could possibly save her is..." Patricia started and looked hesitantly up at Lori.

"Is mine" a small voice came from the doorway.

Everyone turned and saw Carl standing there. Lori stood in fear as she walked to her son and put a protective arm around him,


"Lori it's the only chance we have" Maggie said.

"You can not just take blood from my son.." Lori said.

"Mom I want to." Carl said starring seriously at a shocked Lori.

"Mae saved me in the Forrest from getting shot. She saved me and now it's my chance to save her."

Your Crying ShoulderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora