Prince Charming

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Mae's pov

The sun peaked through the window of the my room in the farmer's house. Squinting my eyes, I woke up and sat myself up hissing as my wound stretched. Finally sitting up all the way I smiled at the way the room looked. It seemed untouched by the end of the world. So normal. So clean. Running a hand through my hair, I looked to my left and saw the chair daryl was in earlier this morning. Smiling at the thought he had made frequent visits to see me. I mean so has Rick, Carl, and T, but daryl's visits seemed different. Even felt different. Smiling at my thoughts I was startled when a woman with short brown hair came into the room. Her hair was just a little bit shorter than mine and she brought in some food.

"Glad to see you're awake. Brought ya some food" she said setting the plate down on the nightstand by the flower daryl got me.

"I'm Maggie by the way. One of Herschel's daughters" she smiled.

Nodding I said,"Mae"

I watched as she ran a hand through the flowers petal,"your boyfriend get this for you?"

"Boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yea..daryl?" She said.

Blushing, I looked down and played with my hands nervously,"daryl isn't my boyfriend"

"Oh...I'm sorry I assumed that.." She said but I cut her off,

"It's ok..,umm thanks for the food"

She smiled,"no problem"

She started to walk out the door, but I stopped her and asked,"Maggie?"

"Yea?" She asked.

"Do you know when I can get out of this bed?" I asked.

"I'll ask daddy"she smiled and walked out.

Nodding, I started to eat when the door opened again, but this time it was T.

"Well looks like sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up!" He smirked

Rolling my eyes, I laughed,"really I don't see my Prince Charming?"

He brought both his hands to his heart and acted hurt,"well mam I'm deeply offended. Is it cause I'm not redneck, tall and muscular?"

My eyes widened and my cheeks burned a bright red.

"Oh yea don't think I didn't see a certain redneck asleep by your bedside at night? Or sneaking from your room? Wanna explain that?" He rolled his eyebrows.

"Shut up" I said adverting my eyes from his as he chuckled.

"And speaking of Prince Charming is that a flower?!" He smirked.

"Oh my god T shut up!" I said hiding my face in my hands.

The door opened again and I was relieved to see Maggie as she smiled,"daddy said you can walk around today as long as your careful"

I nodded,"thank you Maggie. You don't happen to have any clothes I can borrow?"

She nodded,"course I'll be right back" as she left.

Daryl's pov

"Merle." I grunted in pain.

Honestly I didn't know if I was just hallucinating or the son of a bitch was really here. I watched as my brother was over me taunting me,

" What's going on here? You taking a siesta or something?"

"A shitty day, bro." I grunted trying to keep my eyes open.

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