Bigger Problems

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We sat on the grass as we watched the two kids swim. The sight made you totally forget you were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. The sun was beating down on us causing sweat to pour down our faces.

"I don't know about you, but I'm about to jump in there with em" t groaned.

"Go for it" I smiled.

"Aren't you hot? Wearing a long sleeve shirt?" He asked.

"Umm's all I have" I lied adjusting my shirt more.

"I'm pretty sure the women here have extra shirts you could borrow" he suggested.

"I'm good, thanks for the offer though" I whispered.

He was skeptic but changed the subject,

"So what did you do before all this?"

"Stayed at home, took care of grandpa and mom." I sighed.

"What about your dad?" He asked.

I flinched and he saw, "I'm sorry you don't have to answer that."

I smiled and pushed all the horrible memories away,"it's alright, just a sore subject."

"Ya know what else is sore? My throat from where ya almost sliced my neck open" he chuckled trying to change the subject.

I laughed back,"I said I was sorry! What were you expecting me to do when ya wake up in an unfamiliar place and some random guy is with you?"

"It's cause I'm black isn't it?" He laughed.

"What! No! I..I mean..." I stuttered and he started laughing harder,

"Chill I'm just kiddin ya."

I playfully punched him in the arm and he smiled,"you're alright by me. We're gonna be great friends."

I smiled,"Thanks. I've never really had any people that cared about me other than family."

"Well ya got one now. Plus another." He said giving me a sideways hug.

I looked to him confused and he laughed,"Daryl."

"Daryl? Who's daryl?" I asked.

"The one that brought you back. The one with the crossbow." He said.

o ya. The hot one. wait what am I thinking? I quickly pushed the thoughts from my head,

"Barely even talked to the guy. Only time I did was when I was threatening to kill his brother." I chuckled.

"Yeah Merle's a jack ass. I don't know girl, the way Daryl's face looked when he had you in his arms was a look I've never seen on him. Seemed almost worried." He shrugged.

"I highly doubt that." I said.

"And he brought you back. Even with his brother being there and saying not to. He's only ever listened to his brother. Sticks close by him." He said.

I smiled and looked back to the kids in the water. They had stopped playing and were looking at the both of us mischievously. I gave a confused look to T dog who gave me an equally confused look back. We both turned back to the kids who began laughing and splashing us with water. We both screamed and moved out of the waters reach. We all started laughing and T grew a smirk on his face as he looked to the kids,

"You all better run!"

The kids stood there and T dove into the water after the kids who were trying to swim away but failed. He grabbed onto them and started splashing them. I smiled and laughed, me and T were going to be great friends. The happiness shortly ended when I heard growling. I turned and walkers were headed our way. The laughing stopped and I turned seeing a few more by them. T killed them quickly and looked over to me contemplating on helping me or getting the now terrified and crying children out of here.

"Get them out of here! I can handle them!" I yelled to him. I mean there was only 3, I could handle em right?

He hesitantly nodded and ran with the kids back to camp. I took out my knife and charged at the closest walker, killing it. After killing all 3 I wiped the blood off my blade on the grass only to be grabbed forcefully from behind. I dropped my knife when I was grabbed and was turned to face another of the undead. I tried to push it off, but it was way heavier than me and kept pushing me back. He pushed me so hard and we both went tumbling into the water. I screamed right as we hit the surface. The walker let go of me instantly, but I had bigger problems now. I couldn't stay above the water.

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