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Daryl turned slowly hoping he wasn't just hearing things. There standing alone in the street was his second chance at living. She was alive. Mae was alive. It's almost like he had to do a double take seeing her shirt ripped in multiple places and was covered with what he hoped was walker blood. She dropped the two back packs she was holding onto the highway as the group just starred at her wide eyes like they were looking at a ghost. Only when she heard a small whimper was the first move made. She was shocked to see the sound come from Daryl as his lip started to quiver, dropping his crossbow, as he ran towards her full speed. She felt tears of happiness fill her eyes as she braced herself for his impact which came quicker than she thought. Within seconds, he had her wrapped in his arms tightly and was whimpering quietly into her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his neck equally as tight as she cried. She felt him lift her off the ground a couple of times as they both shook vigorously. Once Daryl finally let go, they looked at each other as Daryl couldn't get a sad smile off his face. She smiled through her tears and rested her hand on his cheek causing him to feel like he was going to cry again so he nuzzled his face in her neck. When Daryl pulled back, he didn't dare leave her side as she looked at the others and was immediately swarmed by the group. Rick stayed standing where he was feeling like his feet were glued to the ground as he watched them. He didn't know what to do. Tdog embraced Mae almost as hard as Daryl did.

"Thank god" his voice trembled as he whispered in her ear as they hugged.

More tears fell down Mae's face as she embraced him tighter. As she pulled away, she smiled around at the group who all had tears in their eyes and smiles until she stopped at the officer that saved her life. He was standing further away from everyone and looking at her sadly. She carefully walked past everyone as they watched her make her way to Rick. He shuffled uncomfortably as she got closer. He was trying to keep a brave face on, but knowing any contact from her he would break down in seconds.

"Officer grimes?" She whispered.

That's all it took, his body started to shake and he wrapped his arms around her tighter than Daryl and tdog did combined.

"I'm so sorry Mae. So so sorry" he cried Into her shoulder.

"I'm ok...I'm ok" she whispered back.

He pulled back and kissed her forehead as she smiled up at him. He wiped a few tears smiling back as she heard footsteps approach the both of them. Turning to see Daryl, he wrapped her in his embrace again determined to never let her go. He didn't even care what Rick threatened him with or even if he was left to fend for himself after this. She was alive and he wasn't letting her go again. Looking at Rick over Mae's shoulder, he was bracing himself for the glare or hard look he was bound to receive, only to be surprised with the gentle and caring look he was getting. Rick looked at the two and saw the love they shared for each other and there was no way he would get between that again. He looked up to see Daryl starring hesitantly at him and nodded. Shock registered in Daryl's mind for a moment when he got a nod of approval from Rick as he nodded back. Hearing a branch snap brought everyone out of their current states as they sprung into action with their weapons at the ready. Mae pulled away from Daryl immediately and smiled at the group. Daryl watched her as she walked away from him and over to her bags on the road as she called for someone,

"You can come on out"

Everyone looked in the direction she was as a young blonde girl scurried to Mae's side. She didn't make eye contact with any of the group as she starred nervously down to the road. Mae gripped Georgie's hand as the young girl looked up at her and Mae smiled back at her before turning to the group and saying,

"Guys this is Georgie"

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