Chapter 2: Battle of Sullust

Start from the beginning

"Move in, troopers." Anakin ordered.

The troopers obey the general and entered the facility, the Jedi lead them inside.

As they walked through the halls, it was dark and quiet.

"Troopers, switch to night-vision." Darrel said.

The Clones did as the Jedi said and switched to night-vision. As they got closer and closer to their goal. Soon, they've reached a big door, it seemed like Grievous was in there. Darrel used the force to open, then we saw two Manga Guards, and ten Battle Droids. The Droids charged up their blasters, and the Clone Soldiers did the same.

"Open Fire!" Anakin said.

The Clones started shooting at the Battle Droids, and Droids retaliated and fired back at the Clones. Darrel fought one of the Manga Guards, Ahsoka also fought one. Obi-Wan and Anakin focused on the other enemy units.

Darrel disarmed the Manga Guard and he cut his head. He droid still continues to fight the young padawan, but then Darrel pushes the droid out the window. Ahsoka cut apart the Manga Guard she was fighting with. Darrel deactivated his lightsaber, so did Ahsoka.

"The Republic could use this for their own mining facilities, right?" Darrel asked.

"It's possible. We have to get rid of Grievous off the planet first, then the Republic may consider it." Obi-Wan replied.

"Where's Grievous?" Anakin asked.

Then, another door open in the room opened. Grievous was there, along with multiple Commando Droids.

"Well, there he is..." Darrel said as he reached out lightsaber.

"None if you will be leaving  Sullust alive." Grievous snarled.

The Jedi activated their lightsabers and stood their ground.

The Commando Droids ran towards the Jedi and Clones and started shooting at them. The Jedi blocked the enemy fire, the droids shoots and kills the rest of the
Clone Soldiers. Then, the Commandos advanced towards the Jedi, but they were quick enough to destroy the Droids. Grievous took a few steps forward and looked at Darrel.

"So Kenobi, you have a new Jedi Padawan?" Grievous asked.

"Yes, he does, Grievous! The name's Darrel!" Darrel replied.

"Don't worry, Kenobi. I'll kill you first, so you won't have to see your little youngling die." Grievous said.

"We'll see about that, tin can!" Ahsoka said with an upset voice. Grievous laughed at them.

The Jedi looked at the Droid General with a fierce look, then Grievous' arms split into four and ignited two more lightsabers. Darrel stood in a Form III defense stance looking directly at the General.

"Let's do this!" Darrel yelled, then Anakin and Darrel advanced towards the Grievous first.

The General swung his lightsabers at Darrel and Anakin, but they blocked the multiple strikes from Grievous. Then, Obi-Wan and Ahsoka moved forward to attack Grievous, they soon engaged in a saber clash along with Skywalker and Pullie.

"You Jedi are all the same.... Pathetic." Grievous said as he broke off the saber clash with Darrel and kicked him to the wall.

Ahsoka watched and got angry.

"No! You'll regret that!" Ahsoka said as she broke off the clash and cut off one of Grievous' hands, causing him to drop one of his lightsabers.

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