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"Ally, I think it's time for us to leave." Jackson's voice is harsh and not a tone that I enjoy listening to.

"Why? Nothing bad is happen-"

"Ally, don't fucking make me tell you again. Get your ass over her right now!" His arm extends reaching for me, shoving Regan out of the way in the process.

"Don't you lay a hand on me, you washed up peice of trash, and don't you dare treat Ally like that. She could dump your ass and find a better looking man within moments of walking out of this bathroom." Regan's feisty personality is enough to get Jackson's blood boiling.

With a swift raise of his arm I expect the sharp piercing pain I have grown to loath to spread across my tender cheek, but it doesn't come. Only the sound of skin on skin and the cry from the girl who was once so tough, fill the room. I know better than to cry, but watching another women get battered around in the same mannor I deal with every day breaks my tattered heart in two. Moisture stings at my eyes and I can't handle the pressure.

"Ally. NOW!" Jackson raises his voice and I flinch, dodging my way around the lady in front of me, I follow the twisted man back into the main restaurant area. My eyes look up from the usual place on the ground and my heart shatters. Niall, Harry, Lou and Liam. All seated at a table laughing like mad men. Liam's eyes dart across the room towards me and his smile fades at my poor sight. My sunken in cheeks, stringy hair and bags underneath my eyes that could be mistaken for a black eye. Maybe that's what the were. I can't tell the difference anymore.

"Ally?" Niall's questioning voice beckons throughout the building. Silence becomes aparent almong the customers. Each boys face drops as they take in my appearance.

Jackson's grip around my fore arm tightens. Within seconds I can tell it's already bruising. "You're hurting me." I whisper quietly, not meaning to be heard by anyone.

"What the hell happened to you?" Louis bursts out. Receiving a smack in the chest my Liam, Harry steps closer.

"We've been looking everywhere. It was as if you didn't want to be found." Harry moves closer and he raises a hand to touch my cheek.

I flinch before his poison filled hands bring me back to the reality of what I'm doing with my life. I release my wrath of fury on him, remembering the things I was told over breakfast.  "Fuck you." my voice is quiet, but it raises with every repeat of the phrase. "Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you!" Jackson has released his grip completely and now I'm free to throw a tantrum however I please. "You come and violate my body while I'm under the influence and you're worried about me?" I scoff,  then see a flash of light out of the corner of my eye. I can tell it's the paps from experience. My words have already came out, and they've heard every little bit. "Fuck you, Harry Styles. No. Fuck all of One Direction." I turn and look at the other boys. "Your precious Harold raped me."

"Come again?" Niall speaks.

"Harry took out his dick, and put it inside of me while I was unconscious. Does that paint a good enough picture?" I turn my body towards Lou and get in his face.

"Or are you too busy butt fucking him to notice?"

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