You Should Trust Me!

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"Look at that booty!" Lou said grabbing my bottom.

I smacked his hand, "No touching!"

I climbed into the van, and sat in the back between Harry, and Lou.

"I don't like him doing that." Harry whispered into my ear.

I didn't answer him, but just looked at him and leaned in.

Harry filled in the gap, and kissed me.

"Ew! Harry is sucking on Ally's tongue!" Lou screamed, causing Harry to pull away and Liam, and Niall to gaze back towards us.

I punched Lou in the arm.

"Owwwie!" he yelped in fake pain.

I looked over at Niall. He looked so hurt I couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Ally, and Harry, lets keep it PG shall we?" Liam said sounding annoyed.

"Ignore him babe, he's just annoyed that he doesn't have a girlfriend." Lou said a little too loud.

"Stop the car!" Niall yelled, struggling with the handle. "I said to stop the fucking car!"

"Gosh Niall clam down!" Harry said. "We're in the middle of the highway!"

"I don't freaking care! Stop the mother fucking car! Paul, listen to me!"

"Niall, please. You're scaring me." I said sympathetically.

"No, Ally, you don't get it! You shouldn't be in this situation. Nobody should!" He finally got the lock open, but the car was still moving.

"Paul just stop the car, please?" Liam said.


Three hours later

"Ally, I'm sorry I acted like that. I don't know what got into me." Niall said apologizing for freaking out on me in the car.

"It's whatever. I'm fine." I said grabbing my purse, and climbing out of the van.

Harry followed behind. "You known you don't have to do this, Harry. I can walk up on my own."

"Just because you can doesn't mean I'm going to let you."

"H-harry, I'll be fine, go back there with the boys."

He wrapped his arms around my waist, "I don't want to leave you, Ally. I don't trust Zayn."

I kissed the corner of his lips, "Goodbye, Harry, I'll see you tomorrow morning when you pick me up."

He fully kissed me, "I'll text you!"

I waved goodbye, then walked through the sliding glass doors. Making my way over to the elevator when the doors slid open before I pressed the button.

No. It couldn't be. Not now, especially since I had just met the boys.

"Is that you Ally?"


Wonder who it was?

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-Mwah Kailey <3

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