Normal? I Think No.

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"Move your feet, Carrot." Lou said trying to sit with me on the couch.

"Did you just call her Carrot?" Zayn asked confused.

"Yeah, why do you call me Carrot?" I asked with a puzzling look plastered across my face.

"Because I like carrots, and I like you." Lou said kissing my cheek.

I pushed him away. "Too bad I don't like you like that." I said standing up and walking over to Zayn and sat in his lap. "I do like you though." I whispered into his ear slightly kissing the skin right under his earlobe.

I felt his body tense up underneath my body. His hands went up to my waist and rubbed in small circles with his thumbs.

Lou stood up and walked towards the door, "Don't yell to loud, Carrot." he said winking at me.

Looking shocked I returned my attention back to Zayn, "I know I don't know you all that well, but I really missed you while you were in rehab. And I just hate the fact that-"

"Shh." Zayn said putting a finger over my lips. "What's done is done. I'm here now and," He reached down and intertwined our fingers. "I always will be."

After that neither of us talked. Just sat there staring deeply into each others eyes. Softly and quietly I slipped into a much needed slumber.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Harry's POV~~~~~~~

Now that Zayn was back there will be no way that she will fall for me. Maybe if she knew that I would save her, things might be different. I wonder if she sees when I look at her. The other day we were all having a pillow fight, and she tripped, so I caught her. She looked up into my eyes and I swore the world stopped moving for a couple of seconds. If I can get her away from Zayn for a day she'll see that she should be with me.

"Harry?" a soft and delicate voice called from outside my door. I quietly ran my fingers through my hair in an attempt to look calm and collected.

"Yeah?" I said slowly opening the door to see an adorable outline of Ally's short body.

"Woah." she softly said. Her eyes were mentally roaming up and down my body. Standing there I realized I was shirtless and in my tight boxer briefs.

~~~~~~~~ Ally's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stood there mouth hanging open. My eyes roaming the perfectly chizzled features across his gorgeous body. When his eyes met mine I could see the slight pink tint travel to his cheeks in an adorable blush.

"Um, come in?" he said nervously.

Walking into his room, he walked over to his bed and sat down.

"So, uh Harry. I was wondering. Do you think you would, uh... Want to hang out tonight? Like maybe just put on a movie and a-"

"I'd love to." he said. "What happened to Zayn tonight?"

"He... H-he went to the uh, movies." I said stuttering.

"By himself?"

"Not really... he went with some girl." I said softly.

~~~~~~~~~~ Harry's POV ~~~~~~~~~

Was Zayn stupid? He passed up Ally for 'some chick'? Ally was enough for anyone. And anybody that was dumb enough to give her up was beyond stupid.

"I wouldn't do that to you Ally." I said staring deep into her eyes, and took a hold of her hand.

"Harry, we shouldn't do this."

"Why not? Why won't you give me a chance like you gave Zayn one? Am I not good enough?" I was trying not to have my temper flare, but I couldn't help myself.

"Harry you know that's not what I meant!"

"Then what could you have possibly fucking meant because I'm having trouble grasping what you 'meant'!" I was furious

with her now. Who does that?!

"I can't choose between you, Niall, and Zayn. It would make things easier if I just stuck with Zayn for now."

"Can't you see that he doesn't care for you, and he never will!"

"That's not true. Harry, why would you say something like that?" she said tears forming in her eyes.

"Because if he really cared about you he would not be out with some girl! Instead he would be here with you! Why can't you see that I love you?!"

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