You, Me, Not Going To Happen... Like Ever

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"There she is!" Niall yelled jumping out of the pool to come over to me.

"Yeah, what kept you so long?" Lou asked with a puzzled look on his face.

I stood there staring at the ground.

"Harry? Are you all right?" All the boys looked at him, he was a mess. Harry's eyes were bloodshot red, and his hair was messy.

"Yeah I'm fine," he took my hand and intertwined our fingers.."now."

He looked over at me and smiling, "Didn't we come out here to swim?" I asked, jumping on Niall's back, forcing him to topple over into the pool. Harry just stood outside of the pool. I took of the T-shirt that was covering my bathing suit, and hopped out of the pool.

"Harrrrrryyyy!" I said dragging out his name.

"Woah." I turned my face to see Niall floating there just staring at me.

"Ni? Are you okay?" Liam asked, "You only get that look when you see food. You're scaring me."

He still didn't move, so I ran and jumped onto him, pushing him under water. "I'm going to get some drinks, Lou, Li, come with me." Harry said waiting for the other two boys to get their towels and follow him into the house. They disappeared through the doors, leaving me alone with Niall.

"Ally?" Niall asked.


"Is there something going on between you and Harry? Because I thought you and Zayn liked each other. But, you seem like you're confused about all of this."

"I don't know, Ni, everything is happening so fast. I mean just yesterday, I was home alone, and then I would wake up alone. Now you guys showed up, and are changing my whole life. I really liked Zayn, but he doesn't seem to care. And well Harry, I just don't know.." I said looking down at the water.

"Well, I was going to wait to do this but," He tilted my head up and kissed me. I just sat there for a minute until I realized what was happening.

I pulled away, "What was that for?" I asked shyly.

"I needed to let you know that I like you too. Even though you don't know me, and I barely know you, I thought you should give me a chance."

~~~~~~~~~~ Harry's POV ~~~~~~~~~

"Hey Liam, will you get me the... What the Fuck?!" I looked out the window to see Niall kissing Ally.

"Harry? Woah." Liam said when he turned around and saw what I was staring at.

"What?" Lou said turning around, just as she pulled away.

"What a-"

"Slut? Whore? Bitch?" Zayn said cutting me off. "You know she's bad news?"

"Zayn, shut up. You're just mad because she won't screw your brains out." Lou said making himself chuckle.

"No. You didn't hear what she said. When you walked in and got all butt hurt, she called you a whinny bitch. Still like her?" he said before walking out of the room, like he had won.

I couldn't bring myself to believe that. Had she really said that?


Okay, so hi guys! I know it wasn't much, but it'll get better I promise. Oh, and sorry if it kinda makes Zayn seem like he's an ass.

-Mwah, Kailey <3

The Way They Move (One Direction fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن