You Are Nothing But My Past

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6 Years ago~~~~

"Jackson, Reece hurry up!" my mom's cheerful voice called me and Jackson from the den upstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled down to her.

"Reece, it's so comfy here." Jackson gave me a pout as I attempted to pull his body off the couch.

"Dang, you're so heavy. Lay off the Skittles." I teased him.

"You're dead now." he said, a grin creeping onto his face.

"Never!" I laughed at him as he stumbled over the controllers on the floor.

"Kids! What on earth is going on up there?" My dads manly voice broke us from our laughter as we hurried downstairs, before we piled into the car

"Thanks for the ride to school, Mr. and Mrs. Sanders."

"No problem, Jackson. Any friend of our daughters is welcome at anytime." My mom gave him a fake smile and turned her attention back to her schedule. "Reece, you have cheer practice after school don't forget. Afterwards you need to come straight home. The Edwards said that they would give you a ride."

"Alright mom. See you later!" Me and Jackson waved goodbye as we got out of the car and made our way into the building.

Jackson put his arm around my shoulders as soon as we were out of my parents sight.

My life was absolutely perfect. Jackson and I were the golden couple. He was the quarterback and I was the head cheerleader.

"Reece!" my best friend Stacey called.

"Hey guys." I waved as we walked over to our group of friends.

"Okay, so how'd it go meeting the parentals?" Tom, Jackson's best friend asked.

"It was good. I think they liked me, but yet again who doesn't?" To his friends this was so great that it deserved fist-bumps and high fives.

"Get to class, children!" our cranky principal yelled.

Me and Jackson walked hand in hand until we got to our first hour class. Science.

3 hours later~~~

"I just think that Mr. Montgomery should shave his mustache. I mean don't you guys agree that it looks fake?" Stacy debated this with Jackson, as I attempted to finish our American History project.

"Hey, Brian's having a bonfire Friday night. Wanna go?" Cory leaned over to ask.

"Is Jackson going?" I asked.

"Nope. He doesn't know yet. You guys aren't dating yet, so," his fingers laid on my leg and slowly went up. "We should hook up there." He had this evil grin on his face.

"Ew. You're disgusting. You're lucky Jackson didn't hear you say that." I said with a hint of sass in my voice.

"Hear what, babe?" Jackson said leaning over, intertwining our fingers together.

"That there's a party Friday, and that I was going. You should come." I smiled at him hoping it would cover up the disgust in my eyes.

"Definitely, babe." He kissed my cheek just as the bell rang. "I'll see you after last hour okay?" he asked leading me to my locker.

"Sure." I smiled at him as he walked away.

Friday night at the party~~~~

"Shot time!" Tom screamed bringing shot glasses over to our group.

I grabbed a hold of one of the glasses. Throwing my head back I let the clear liquid burn the back of my throat.

The next morning~~~~

Last night got a little wild. Everyone was drinking, or was already drunk. I didn't want my parents to figure out I was drunk last night, so I slept at Stacy's.

-Knock Knock-

"Ugh! It's so loud! Reece get the door!" She yelled at me.

"Hello?" I answered groggily.

"Ms. Sanders?" an officer asked.


"We have some bad news. Your parents. They were in a car crash this morning. They've passed away." The officer took off his hat as he delivered the news.

Tears streamed down my face as I tried to understand what I was just told.

3 Years ago~~~~~

After my parents died I was forced to move in with my older sister. I might as well be living alone though. She's never here and I spend most of my time with Jackson. He stood by me when I went through a crushing stage of depression, but for a cost. He was always abusive and I could never do anything right in his eyes. My level of popularity dropped to the point where I wasn't even as known as the Chess Club.

"Where's my slut?" Jackson called out through my sister's tiny apartment.

"Jackson, you're drunk. Go lay down." I said trying to led him over to the couch.

"Fuck you!" he yelled, showing me into the fridge.

I winced in pain. The blow most likely dislocated my shoulder.

He stepped up to me as though he was about to kick me in the stomach.

"Jackson, please not today." I pleaded.

"Shut the hell up!" This time he didn't kick me in the stomach, but in the face. I had to get out of this relationship. What if he takes it to far and kills me?

One Year ago~~~~~

"And why would you like for your name to be changed Ms. Sanders?" A judge asked me.

"Your Honor, I had an abusive ex boyfriend. I am trying to start over. To me the first is to get a new name." I replied.

"Permission granted. Reece Sanders, you are now Ally Sanders." the judge announced, signing the authentication papers.

This year is going to be different. I was going to the dance academy to pursue my dream. I was going to escape from Jackson.

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