Why Should I Give You Another Chance

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"Montana." was all that Ally said.

"What's in Montana?"

"My old life." Ally seemed to be calming down a little more with each breath that she took in. "That's where I met Jackson."

"What's the story with him?" I asked softly.

"W-we used to date. After my parents... uh, died he started to.... He started to hit me."

He hit her?! The next time I see that little prick he is dead! "Tonight me and Harry were fighting, I walked into the living room and Jackson was there. He told me that I couldn't hide from him."

"Oh my gosh, Ally, why didn't you come and get me?"

"Before I could he dragged me into my closet and hit my head against the doorknob. He'll come back again soon. I need to leave."

4 Hours later

Harry's POV

After I finally woke up the house was quiet. I got up and went to see if anyone was still here. After checking each of the rooms Zayn and Liam were fast asleep, but Niall wasn't in his room. Thinking he was probably out with some girl I left it alone. Climbing into my bed I sat there thinking, what if Ally wants Zayn still, but he doesn't try to keep her? Should I go try and comfort her?

That Morning ~~~~~

"Morning Zayn. Sorry about your ah... face." I said sympathetically. "Me and Ally got in a fight last night, and ah... never mind. Mates again?" I asked, not wanting to get into the gory details of last night.

"Harry, have you seen Ally?" Liam asked sounding concerned.

"I don't know. We aren't talking to each other at the moment. Wasn't she in her room?"

He shook his head, "Nope, I even looked in her closet. Her clothes are gone."

Zayn's eyes widened. "Let me go check to see if Niall knows where she went."

Zayn's POV~~~~~

Standing up I walked past Ally's room into Niall's. "Hey, Mate. You in there?" I didn't hear anything so I pushed open the door. Niall's belongings were gone, and there was a note on his desk. Picking it up I read what it said;

Dear Boys,

I left with Ally. She couldn't stand being here. But don't let anyone named Jackson in the house. I'll try and call you guys to make sure you know we're fine. I already told the fans I was quiting the group. You guys should keep going on with your dreams. I'll always love you guys.

Yours truly Niall.

P.S. Don't look for me. You wont find anything.

I stood there tears streaming down my face. He left? Ally left? They were gone.

"Fuck!" I screamed. I started punching the wall and kicking the desk. Niall must have been crying while writing this, because there was hardened tear spots.

Harry, Louis and Liam all ran into the room. Lou removed the note from my hand, and I crumpled to the floor.

The Way They Move (One Direction fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ