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After about 20 more questions we were all clearly drunk. Niall disappeared into his bedroom with the mystery chick, so there was no sign of him. Shot after shot after shot was gulped down along with learning some pretty messed up answers.

Zayn has been avoiding me all night long and Harry was starting to notice.

Harry, Liam, Zayn and Regan all went to bed leaving me in the living room with Louis.

"Ally? What actually happened while you were gone?" Lou asked laying his head on my lap.

The memory of the time I was gone instantaneously sobered me.


I woke up and everything was dark. I tried to sit up, but everything hurt.

"Ally? It's okay, lay back down. You need your rest." it was Niall.

"I'm sore. What happened?" I ask letting my eyes close, engulfing me in darkness.

"It was Jackson again. Babe, I won't let anything else happen to you." He kissed my cheek then left the room.


"Wake up!" a voice scream/whispered at me.

I rolled over in bed to escape the noise.

"I told you to get up! Do you ever listen?" I rolled back towards the voice. I quickly opened my eyes. It was Jackson.

He threw me over his shoulder and walked over to the window. He handed me over to another set of arms.

"I'm so sorry. I'll get you out of here soon. I promise." It was Zayn.

"I don't trust you and I never will again. You're a liar and a pig. I trusted you! I thought I could call you my boyfriend!" I spat the words towards him as if they were fire.

"Why would I be your boyfriend when you ran off with Niall?!" Zayn's grip was getting tighter around my body as he walked with me.

"Ran off with Niall? Why do you think I did that? I know you read the note he left. It was because of him!" I yelled pointing at distant Jackson. "But you were out with some girl when he showed up! He bashed my head into a doorknob! Then left me weak and exposed in my closet! The only person who cared enough to check on me was Niall! He's always been there NOT you!" Tears were flowing down my cheeks onto mine and Zayn's shirts.

"Did you really think I went out with some girl?!" I nodded. "I was buying you a ring! I wanted to get engaged."

I was silent.

"This is for your own good." Jackson said coming up behind me. He stuck a needle into my shoulder and released the medicine from the syringe.

The next time I woke up he was forcing chains around my body.

Jackson wouldn't show up for days, leaving me and Zayn stuck in an awkward silence. Some days were worse than others. I guess he didn't think that there was a need for me to eat, because he would starve me for days at a time.

End Of Flashback~~~~

"I ah.... Don't want to talk about it." I told Lou, wiping the wetness from my cheeks.

Lou sat up and pulled me into his arms. "Ally you can cry in front of me. I'll always be here for you. I mean that." He stopped talking for a second. "You'll always be my carrot." He smirked as I started to giggle.

"You always know how to cheer me up don't you, Boobear?" I asked hugging his waist. "If I don't tell you what happened, but I say who was involved will you promise not to be over dramatic?" I whispered.

He held up his pinky, "Sister swear." I laughed at his girlish ways before we both intertwining our pinkies and kissing my bunched up hand.

"It was this guy named Jackson... and-and...."

"Ally, who?"


Lou's POV~~~~

"It was this guy named Jackson... and-and...."

She was stalling I knew it. "Ally, who?" I asked firmly.


"Don't joke around about that, Ally. It isn't funny."

"I'm not!"

"Ally! You are an attention whore! Zayn would never do a thing like that! He's our

best mate!"

She was lying right? Wasn't she?!

"I wouldn't lie about that! He helped Jackson! Why aren't you believing me?!" She screamed. There were tears visibly running down her face.

"She's not lying." Zayn stood in the doorway.

"Zayn, don't stand up for her. I know you wouldn't do anything like that." I was becoming emotional now.

"Louis, get it through your skull. I was the one who did this to her. I was going to kill her. I wanted her dead!" Zayn screamed while getting in my face.

I couldn't take this. Zayn loved Ally and Ally loved him right? Now Ally moved on and was with Harry. Zayn's lying because he's jealous.

Tears poured down my face. It couldn't be right.





Okay, so thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment/fan/and vote! <3 -Mwah Kailey <3

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