Chapter 32

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Recap: Well it all started when your parents left.

"What do you mean left? They were kidnapped. There was evidence all over the house!" I wanted to scream. Why were they telling a lie?

"I am sorry to say this but it was all staged by your parents. They had this guy Christopher following. It seems like they had information that he wanted. When he heard that they were taken he sent people to your house. Did you wonder who wrecked your house when you went back home after your questioning?"

"The housekeeper told me it was this homeless boy trying to steal from a lone home."

"Do I look homeless to you?" Duke said with an eyebrow raised.

"It was you?"

"I saw it all happen. I originally came because I didn't get to see you on thanksgiving. When I went to your room, I saw T-bear and I thought I should held on to it. I never gave it back to you. After I figured what they were looking for was in the teddy bear. I opened it up and found a stack of papers, possible evidence of all Christopher's villainy. They left because they didn't want you to get hurt because of them. They didn't know you would be hurt anyhow."

It was a lot to take in and I sat there mouth open. I sank into the chair and let out a huffed breath. This was a lot to take in.

"Our turn." Rachel pipped out.

"Rach don't you think Emily had e..." Chad was firmly in interrupted.

"Emily is a strong girl. She is not some fragile porcelain doll." Rachel said and looked back at me with a smile.

"You remember when I left?" She asked and I nodded.

"Well there was this man trailing you and I thought it was just a stalker, but when I cornered him he told me he was working for the government. I joined there force and I met Chad there. When we were told you were here we ask to be transferred. I guess they didn't think much of it because they agreed without any hesitation."

Chad started next, "Emily it might be hard to grasp and I hope you will forgive me after you here this, all of you." he took a deep breath "You remember how we became friends. We moved to Minnesota only after a week since you have been there. I was specifically assigned to you by Christopher to follow you and get you closer to the family, but I found a friend in you that I never found in other humans. I tried to keep you away from my family.

I don't know if you remember this but I had a brother, Nick. When I didn't seem to be fulfilling. My dad assigned him to pursue you. Something changed after you met him so I took matters into my own hand and threatened to go to the authorities. I was pushed aside like I held an empty threat, so I did what I said to do and I was recruited. My family managed to escape and I never seen them from then. Later I found out that my dad wanted you close so he can torture answers from you if you weren't going to cooperate they would have eliminated you. I felt disgusted and I felt it was my fault."

"It wasn't your fault. You're manipulated by the man you looked up to." I put my palms on his shoulder in comforting manner. Swallowing my anger I asked "What's the deal with your father? Did he work with Christopher?"

"No Ems my dad is Christopher."


You eating that?

Rachel asked at dinner. I currently sat with Duke, Josef, Chad and Rachel. I pushed my plate to her without saying a word.

After Chad broke the news to my unstable mind. Duke and Josef were filled with questions, Rachel stayed where she was not showing surprise on her face so I guess she already knew and I was sitting still there trying to process it all.

Chad gave me a guilty look every now and then, but I meant it when I said it wasn't his fault.

I remember now who exactly Nicholas was. Nick as I had called him then. The guy who I had trusted more than myself. The guy who broke me down.

"'Mily! Stop that you know it would never have happened anyway."

"Why? Why is it so hard to grasp the idea of you being with me?" Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

I could see his hands twitching to brush it off like he did so many times before.

"I don't deserve you, 'mily. You and me together will only bring you hurt and I don't want that for you."

"Don't give me that bullshit. You should know me better than that."

"Trust me when I say I know you best to know that you don't really want this."

"You know what you're right. How can I have believe that you would be better than everyone says? Don't talk to me ever again."


But I didn't acknowledged him after that. My mind was set and that was the last conversation we had before he disappeared with his family.

He has been right all along he didn't deserve me. Now that I know he was Con he will get what's coming to him.

Hey lovely people.

Happy late Valentine's day for all of those with a hubby. For the rest of the population happy single people's day.

I know it's a really late update but I hope you liked the explanations and flash backs.


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