Chapter 7

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What did I do? I have never been called to the principal's office before. I hope it wasn't about last night. Matt won't sell me out or will he? I don't really know him to judge.

Mr. Watson's office was really nice. The soft velvet chair I am sitting on is the most comfortable chair I have ever sat on. It felt like their were softening me before my verdict. Will I be expelled?

The door opened to show the famous Mr. Watson.

"Ms. Emily nice of you to show up." He gave me a polite smile. "I am pretty sure you don't know why your here, do you?" "No, sir." I replied.

"I was a good friend of your parents, your real ones, I even got the chance to meet you when you were just a baby girl. What happened to them was unavoidable doing what we do..."

"Wait a minute your telling me my parents were spys."

"One of the bests, but that's not what we are here to talk about. You see before they disappeared they were involved with a terrorist group and it didn't go very well. Your parents were exposed and we believe that they may be on to you too."

I was so shocked I couldn't even muster to voice my thoughts.

"We don't mean to scare you, you're safe here. But you're also a liability. For now we will like to assign a person to watch over you."

"Like a bodyguard?"

"No, just someone to look after you during class and while socializing." So just like a bodyguard.

"I don't want a bodyguard." I whined but it looks like I was being ignored at the moment.

"Just in time." Mr. Watson says and I looked up to see the man in the suit #1. Oh wait he looks just like "Aries?"

"Aries here will be looking after you and it works in our favour that he is your trainer." Aries gave me a tight smile that was obviously fake. This is going to be fun. Not.


When I got back from my little 'chat' with Mr. Watson I already missed Languages and was heading to training with Aries. I went into the changing room as fast as I could. Aries was really quite and really uncomfortable to be around with.

In the girls locker room there was no one there except Chloe. "Here is your assignment and notes from Languages." She said and went out.

Changing took me less than five minutes and I joined the rest of my class. I was not surprised to see Aries already standing there.

"Class today we will be doing a simple self defense test to show me how much you already know. You will be paired and you will practice. At the end of the class when I call your names you will head to the ring to fight."

I ended up being paired with Kia and we practiced in silence for a while and it was awkward.

"I am sorry." she blurted out. "I shouldn't have left but I didn't see any danger and sorry if I got you into trouble I will turn myself in I promise."

"I forgive you and that isn't the case. So don't worry about it." I calmed her down. And all was good between us. She still owes me but I will keep that for later.

We practiced a little more but by then the name calling has started.

"Emily Johnson with Josef Ronald." Ehh...why do I get the annoying one.

"This will be fun." I could hear his smirk in his voice. Oh it will be fun but not for him.

We stepped into the ring at the same time and he made a show of flexing his muscles.

In the first round I got him done within seconds. I could practically see smoke coming from his ears. The next round was a bit difficult but there he goes again, his down. By our third and final round he was all out. He hit on my back, a soft spot, and I was down. He put me between his legs so I don't move. He won that round but I won the fight.

"Watch your back." he shouts. The irony was that I have too.

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