Chapter 31

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Anger and determination, those two where the only things I hang out with during the week after the murders. I didn't talk to anyone, even to Josef, Duke or Chad. Rachel didn't leave me in peace, shouting in my head. I tried blocking her but I was too mentally exhausted, so I just shouted back to shut her up.

I never left the room unless it was necessary like classes or for food or my training. After that day I became a shadow of my old self.

I remember all of it, that day and those bodies. The days that followed. I remember how people hovered around me, how I drowned myself in guilt. Those few days that determined the way I look at my life now.

Those few days I stopped eating and got to the point that I had to take injections. Those days when I craved the attention of my boys but still pushed them away. Those days my friends came to visit and I turned my face on them. The day of the funerals that I couldn't go to, who would want to have the person which was responsible on their funeral anyway.

I am walking again now even do some moves. Greg is cautious but I am not really talking to him either and I pretend not care.

Aries bailed on me when I ask for help, this days he is getting really emotional to the point I wish for the old Aires, who would ignore me if I talked. Now I train with Colby. At least she gets it. She doesn't ask questions or try to make small talk with me with her it's clearly professional and I need that in my life. I need no more drama in my life.

This last few days Colby has thought me how to channel my anger to my hits. Now my punches are harder and faster even with my almost healed wound.

The next time I see Con I want to be ready.


I sat at the freshman table drinking my usual cup of coffee. No body was up yet, not even Edumun. The dining hall was quiet and peaceful. But that only lasted for a while.

Edumun walked through the doors and when he saw me he froze. I stood up to leave but he acted quick and closed the door. Then he power walked towards me and pushed me into my sit. I wanted to push him away and just get out, but I didn't and I don't know why.

"Ems, this got to stop. You pushing people isn't working. You are not weak, you are the strongest person I know."

"Then you certainly don't know much people and I am not being weak. Can't a person just have sometime alone to grief? Can't you just leave me alone for once Kenner? Ugh you are like an annoying dog following me around, so clingy."

"You can say anything to me. I am not giving up. The Emily I know wouldn't want me to give up."

"That Emily died and This Emily doesn't give shit. Now I would like to leave and hope not to see your face again."

"You don't mean that." I know.

"I do, so do you mind." I tried surpassing him, which he blocked easily.

"Yes I mind. Emily it was not your fault that those people died."

"Do not pity me Kenner. I know it's not my fault. Did you for once think that this was just me being me?"



The banter went on for a while but we quieted down when we heard a knock at the door.

"Hello! Starving people over here!" I heard Kelly's voice, she is the only one who can poses such a girly voice when mad.

"Open the damn door Edumun or are you going to let your girlfriend starve?" Well that got to him.

I passed him easily and I wondered if what I said was true, but didn't give it much time or rather any.

When I opened the door almost all the students were waiting on the other side but like I guess the one who was banging the door was Kelly.

"Edumun is in there. If you were wondering." She made a shocked face that soon turned into a glare. She stormed into the dining hall bumping here shoulder to mine and I don't think it was an accident.

I soon found the also shocked face of my friends in the group of people. I just rolled my eyes and went back to my room to get as much sleep as I can get before my next class.

I ended up missing my class. When I woke up from my nap it was already lunch so I washed my face and went down to the dining hall. People were staring at me like I had jackass written over my forehead with bright red marker. I guess I was still not forgiven.

I grabbed my food and went to sit in a vacant place, people didn't bother to sit with me anyways. Why would they? After the scene this morning they probably think I am going coo coo. If it was anybody else wouldn't I think the same?

"Walk with me Emily." Rachel came up to me and pulled up from my chair.

"I don't want to. Just let me be. You disappeared for years and have I jump your ass about it? I think I deserve at least a little peace of mind." I tried sitting down but the chair was kicked from under me.

"Nope I don't think you have a choice in this. You come peacefully or I will drag you out myself." Now we have caught the attention of the people around. Way to go Emily you ruined another meal for this people.

You know I won't stop until I get what I want. Family or not.

Be damned.

I looked straight into those calculating brown eyes and glared.

I walked out of the dining hall anger flaring in my blood and Rachel following right behind.

After the doors of the dining hall shut behind us I grabbed her arms as violently as my body could allow it.

"What the hell, Rachel? I told you to back off. I am messed up and can't control my emotions. I don't want you messing it up even more."

"I just thought you have liked to know some things like why people are after you and who..."

"You know? You knew this whole time? Why didn't you tell me before?" I was shaking her with desperation.

"Stop shaking me and yes I know, but I didn't know until now or that I am sure. Just come with me and I will let your guys explain."

"Who are my guys?" She rolled her eyes and led the way.

We went through the kitchen, Mr. Watson's office and a hightower I never noticed before.

Where are you taking me? I asked but there was no reply.

We walked up the stairs for about five minutes before we got to a small room at the top.

Rachael opened the door with so much force and yelled "Honey I am home!" which made me wince a little.

"Seriously?!" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Thank God we thought you would never show."

Duke, Chad and Josef greeted me at the door with an annoyed look aimed at Rachel.

I walked in curious about what there were going to tell.

"So... explain yourself." I said and sat on a designated chair.

"Why won't your guys go first?" Rachel said. Now I got that she was referring to Duke and Josef.

"Well it all started when your parents left."

Hello fellow readers. Guess what? Only three chapters left to the end of this book, start the count down. Thank you all for choosing to read this book and staying along the way.

After this it is straight to major editing.

Love you guys.

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