Chapter 28

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"Emily I won't let you out of this room until you tell me what happened." Greg said. I could walk barely but I was sure I could do what was necessary if he stands in my way(kick his ass).

"I need to talk to Mr. Watson right now it's ergent."

"We can page him. Now Emily stay here." Greg started to order.

"What part of ergent don't you understand?"

"That the part where you were impaled a week ago and could have died. I don't want you opening any wounds."

"It's almost completely healed and I won't be doing a karate moves just talking."

"No." He didn't budge. So Greg we have to do it the hard way.

"Chloe would you do the honour."

There was a smirk planted on her face like this was a dream come true for her. "It will be my pleasure." She flexed her joints and stood in fighting pose.

"You should know ladies I learned a few things in battles..." He didn't get to finish his thought. Chloe place a solid kick on his neck and he was down.

"Good job. Can you role me out I can barely walk?"

She brought the wheelchair and I walked the small distance and placed my butt on it.

"Take me to Watson's office."

"Yes sir." Chloe said and started pushing.

The guards were absent minded that they didn't see even tuned to look at us. What kind of protection are they?

The halls were deserted no single person could be seen.

"What's going on here?" I asked Chloe but I doubt she has any clue considering the confused look on her face.

We head to Mr. Watson's office but it was closed, no locked. What's going on? Why is everything suddenly out of the norm? What happened here?

Then we saw a runner pass us by. He was running towards the dining hall.

"What's going on?" Chloe spoke my mind.

"Haven't you heard." He said as he paused for a second just to sprint again.

"What haven't we heard?" I asked but he was gone. "Let's follow him." I said to Clo as she pushed me to the dining hall.

When we got there I pushed the door slightly so I could we could sneak in with out being noticed.

"...and here are your new recruits they will be joining the freshman program. Rachel Haven and Chad Abernathy." I couldn't believe it she was here with Chad. My Chad.

"I know this all kind of new and we never have excepted in mid terms, but I want to you accept them as warmly as any of your fellow students." Mr Watson said and sat back on his chair.

I saw Rachel and Chad made there way down the podium whispering among themselves. Then right when they were about to turn and disappear from my view mine and Rachel's eye met. She poke Chad's arm to get his attention and I could see his eyes sweeping the room to find me. When he finally found my eyes he broke into a smile and started walking towards me.

The people in the dining hall suddenly catching on the sudden change into my old pals turned to face me. Aries who was across the room from me catch on to and made his way towards me in long strikes, but he couldn't get to my side faster. A minute later Chad already had me scooped in his arms. To tell you the truth it felt weird.

When he finally let me go the smile on his face didn't even flatter.

"Emily you don't know..." My hand connected to his cheek in a Lind slap and everything in the room fell in silence. I could even hear a spoon drop in surprise.

"You disgrace of a human being. A low life in every nature. I invested a whole friend with you and you left without saying goodbye. Now you come back and expect me to accept you with open arms. You're a shitless man dying off constipation." I said in one breath. A full glare charged at him.

The room was silent for a second until three of the most important person in my life started laughing there ass off. Who might they be? Their name goes like Duke, Josef, and Rachel.

"I will give you A for effort on the last insult but babe it didn't work." Rachel said and I broke into a smile before I harden my face to face Chad. I glared at him for one last time and turned myself around.

"Chloe take me back to my room."

"Yes sir." She said but I caught a glimpse of the smile she was supporting.

The thing no one expected thought was the horrors that was about to come.

Hey loves!
School is about to start:( It sucks that summer has to be so short. Well I hope you had fun bathing in the sun.

I had a new book out. If you like the romance in spy university this book is for you. The title is called "Best Bitch Ever".

Enjoying life,


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