Chapter 6

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That night Kia and I went to break into Duke's as planned, luckily she wasn't wearing all black like I feared but we had to wear gloves in fear of hidden fingerprint security triggers that are now in the market.

Kia told me that he won't be in his room tonight, something to do with a sophomore bash or something of that sort. So it was pretty much an easy break in.

"Look at this!" Kia exclaimed. The room is neat, polished and shining clean, something you wouldn't expect from a guys room or even my room.

"Wow! He is a miracle worker or has someone who does his cleaning for him. With all those gushing around him I think they would take it as an honour to clean his room." Was I like that? Was I gushing over him too?

"I think this looks like a room that has something to hide." I said instead.

So, we started looking for love letter, a lady's undergarments (not my idea), even searched his voice accessor if it had any access to a girl's voice, but came out blank.

"Looking for something?" came a voice from the now opened door. I closed my eyes wishing this was all a bad dream. I slowly turned around making the feeling sink in.

When I finally opened my eyes I saw it wasn't the face of the guy I thought, and also saw Kia sneaking out behind him. Traitor.

"Can I help you?" came the guy again. "Looking for someone, Duke?" "Duke isn't here. I am his roommate, Matt. Should I tell him you stopped by?" He truly didn't seem suspicious. "That would be so nice of you but let's just keep this between us."

I am going to kill Kia though, even if I walk out of this alive.

"I will get something and lead you out, stay right there." Matt said and I obeyed, what more can I do.

When he got what he wanted he led me out as promised.

Ok, Matt was handsome, but not like Duke. Matt is classified as the boy next door type which seemed not to be my type but still very good to look at.

We made small chat on the way to the girl dorm rooms and he was also interesting. I mean who still has CDs.

"Thanks for walking me here you didn't have to do that." I said.
"I always hated those parties anyway. Duke just invites me so I don't feel left out." A small smile crawled on to my face. "You're welcome then. Goodnight." I said and was heading to my dorm when he stopped me by grabbing my wrist. I turned and I saw he was blushing. He let me go as soon as he realized what he has done.

"You didn't tell me your name." he stutters.
"Emily." I said and gave him a smile which made him flush in response.

"Well Emily it was nice meeting you." he said with a smile and headed back to where he came from.

When I got to my dorm I found Chloe sound as sleep. The adrenal was fading and was being replaced by sleepiness so I too dozed off soon enough.


The next morning I woke up rather early than usual. I noticed there were two uniforms placed in the sofa before me.

The uniforms were simple: Black tracksuits with silver stripes, silver shorts, black tank tops and a black skirt with a plain shirt and red sweater. The skirt was pretty and just above the knee.

I had my shower and changed quickly into my skirt. I put my hair in a high ponytail feeling like a high schooler again.

When I was heading out of the bathroom Chloe was just starting to stir up. "Good morning, sunshine." I said out loud making her growl in return making myself laugh.

In the dining hall, there was the usual Edmund but no one else on our table.

"Ems, you got to try these biscuits they are bloody delicious." he said munching another cookie. I laughed at his expense everything was bright and happy today.

I sat down next to him bringing my own plate of cookies and milk. When he finished his own he didn't bother asking when he started stealing from my plate. I pushed my plate towards him for good measure. He gave me a look that said thanks and went back to eating. Boys can be pigs when it comes to food.

Kelly walked towards us when she came minutes later. She was wearing a skirt just similar to mine.

"How did it go yesterday?" she asked and I noticed Kia wasn't with her.

"Where is Kia?" I asked not bothering to answer her question. "She was running late." knowing she was lying I stared at her with accusing eyes until she told me the truth.

"She was afraid you might kill her for ditching you." She finally gave in. "Well now that's something to be afraid of." I huffed. I seriously felt betrayed and it was her idea in the first place!

From across the room Matt was waving at me and I couldn't stay mad forever.

"Who is that cutie?" Kelly asked noticing Matt, our previous topic forgotten. "Duke's roommate, Matt." I said returning his wave. "OMG, you got the hots for that dude." I can't believe that was her automatic respond. "No I don't." I replied just as quickly and she started chuckling at my expense. I smack her shoulder playfully.

When it was almost time for first period Chloe came through the doors practically dragging herself. She ate what ever was left from our breakfast.

The bell rang for my first class in languages. I couldn't be so wrong. The speakers blasted on and a lady's voice came through. "Emily Johnson report to Mr. Watson's office please. Emily Johnson report to Mr. Watson's office please." When the speakers died out I saw everyone's eye were on me.

What just happened?

Cliff hanger!!! How was the chapter did you like it?
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Edited: There might have been a phrase I forgot to finish or grammar I forgot to edit. It would be great help if you point it out but all in all I hope you're enjoying the book

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