Chapter 17

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I week is left for finals and all our teachers are trying to prepare us for it. American History and Training are going good, but discipline is going terrible mostly for the boys.

For the ball that Kelly mentioned we are going to be partnered. Which is being posted right now.

"I am partnered with Edumun!" Kelly cheered.

"Good Luck." I said to Edumun who was standing next to me. He followed Kelly to where the paired were standing.

Kia got paired with a guy named Keith and so on and so on. Finally the only ones left was Aya, George, Josef and me.

Aya and George got paired leaving me and Josef to be paired.

"That just leaves Mr. Ronald and Ms. Johnson." Ms. Marks stated the obvious looking away from her chart. "So that's that we will have a little grownups tea party tomorrow and you will choose your costumes for the ball the day after that." The bell rang on cue and people started rushing out and so stayed to talk to their partner.

"Bye Ems, I should escape before Kelly can find me and starts on the clothes again or I would start growing female genetics." Edumun bid me goodbye and left me alone. I walked out of the class to go to my dorm seeing that it's the last class of the day, but on my way I bummed into someone.

"Sorry, I am such a klutz." I heard Matt's voice. I moved my head to give my greetings when I bummed into his chin.

"I think I am the klutz here." A chuckle escaped his lips rubbing his chin.

"I could agree to that." He said and I elbowed him playfully. "So, you're going to the ball?"

"Seeming as it's necessary I need to." I sighed.

"Just don't forget to save me a dance."

"I will try to fit you in my dancing schedule." He laughed and waved me bye before he went to were he was heading.

I was heading to my dorm when I got another idea. I went to the balcony where I found Josef to say thanks. I sat there and looked at the beautiful sight of the university's backyard.

Some of the kids were sitting with their friends in circles, and some laughters can be heard all over here. I don't know what got me so down, but I know that something has gone terribly wrong.

Slowly sleep was dragging me as I sat comfortably on the porch. Well if I fell asleep this will be the perfect place, I thought. And as my brain processing this thought and finally getting my permission, I fell asleep.


When I woke up I wasn't on my bed, which was a surprise, but then I remember me falling asleep on the porch, but where did the blanket come from?

I looked up to see Josef sitting on the floor looking down. I cleared my throat to get his attention and he turned his eyes all round.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"It was dinner time and I noticed that you were missing so I started looking and I thought you would head here. So I came to look for you here and I saw you were asleep and you were so peaceful so I didn't want to wake you up, but it was getting cold so I brought you the blanket and now I was just..."

"Josef!" I stopped his blabbering as his cheeks slowly turn pink, it was a nice view, but I wanted to save him from self-embarrassment.

"Thank you." I said meaning it and flashed him a smile. He looked like he wanted to smile back, but he looked like he was mentally running through everything.

"I should go before Chloe comes to the dorm." I stood up to give him the blanket. He stood up at the same moment to receive the blanket and our hands brushed from our sudden encounter and I felt shivers, but I guess it was just the cold. I smiled one last time and this time he returned it.

I walked back to my room with the sudden feel of joy and a skip in my steps, but just as my dorm room opened the previous feeling returned and I froze from the sight.

I don't know how long I stood there, but now I can here footsteps, but I didn't even try to move.

"Oh Emily where were..." but she didn't get the chance to finish her sentence. A few minutes of taking the sight and I heard her scream.

"EMILY JOHNSON" It read on the wall with big red paint. My heart finally registering what is happening skipped a bit and all went dark. If only I could stay in the dark.

I know it's not much, it's just a filler, but I hope you appreciate it and hopefully like it.

Wish me luck on my exams!

Spy University: Secrets UnravelledOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora